What remains?


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2011
So, with the rain coming and the season ending today, I pulled the cards on 4 of my non-cell cameras scattered throughout my property. My intent was to get a hack on what bucks survived the season. I didn't expect much as my cell-cams were only picking up does in my plots. Fortunately though, one of my cameras was on an old scrape location from when I shot my first buck mid November, and it was the best producer of pics. Not much activity until Dec 17 - 20th, when second rut kicked in and it started getting hit at night. I got 8 or so new bucks on camera, one of which I recognized from last June while still in velvet. He has also shown up each of the last 3 years, although always in velvet and and never during hunting season. So, I was glad to see he was still around (at least as of mid December). I only recognized 2 of the other bucks, so am feeling pretty good there is some decent stock that will be available for next year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
maury county tn
We will see what survived hunting season in a couple weeks after juvenile. I have a suspension that we may have had a little ehd not 07 by any means but will know when we start our bush hogging and after season scouting. Deer uses all of our properties different this year and want to put the pieces together. I know I have 3 that could be something just got pictures of them a couple hours ago. But never know til late July what they turn into.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
Figured most around us should be tagged out by now, but who knows. We have the rest of this month still open here in cwd zone. We were getting a pretty nice young 8 coming around. I passed on him once. Have had pics of him on 3 of our 4 different cameras. This time next month we may have a better picture of what made it through.

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