Got 3500 acres that have had long enough to see most of it clearcut twice & replanted. They will let it lay for a year after cutting to allow new growth to sprout, spray with Arsenal in September which will kill everything, then plant in Jan/ Feb.
First fall after cutting can be awesome as the deer will be somewhat on normal travel patterns & bed in the logging debris. Some of our biggest bucks have been killed during this time. It's like they don't realize that they are visible . Have seen many good chases across the wide open areas. Have seen deer at 1/4+ mile before and get out of stand to slip up on using terrain features. Very similar to "spot & stalk" out west.
After the Arsenal whacks everything & they've planted in Feb, it's like a desert for a year or so. Good time to hunt the edges and whatever standing timber is available & expect the hollows to be full of scrapes.
When new pines get 18-24" tall & weeds have returned, it's game on for next 5-6 years until it gets too thick to see a deer in. Tripod stands are great for this. Once it gets too thick it becomes a sanctuary & deer factory imo. It'll stay that way for 10-12 years and the timber company will thin & fifth row.
Once thinned it's time to move back inside & start hunting them again. We've killed lots big bucks the first two years after thinning as they stay on travel patterns that have been safe for past 10 years. 5-6 years after thinning it'll be clearcut & process starts all over again.
When I first got my land it was split between 4 clubs & I had 600 acres. For the next three years they clearcut on each of other clubs & each time they did so that club let lease go. I took over each one as they became available & rest is history. Even had a few idgits from the previous clubs contact me & ask if I'd be willing to let them have land back because it was such good hunting