Ok vols / dawgs


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Munford, TN
Carefup tellin the truth Mup, Spurhunter will come over here yelling about you bein off meds and his henchman makin gay jokes
I know you won't understand this, but football players are trained their whole lives to forget the last play, the last game, the last interception, etc. Golfers are trained to forget the last shot and live in the present. It's true across all sports. You don't get to Hendon Hooker's level thinking about the defense in the last game. You said, "That D will live rent free in his head for years to come" and "He will remember that D the rest of his life." Both of which are completely idiotic. I assure you when Hooker gets to practice and starts preparing for Missouri the last thing on his mind will be Georgia's defense.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
I know you won't understand this, but football players are trained their whole lives to forget the last play, the last game, the last interception, etc. Golfers are trained to forget the last shot and live in the present. It's true across all sports. You don't get to Hendon Hooker's level thinking about the defense in the last game. You said, "That D will live rent free in his head for years to come" and "He will remember that D the rest of his life." Both of which are completely idiotic. I assure you when Hooker gets to practice and starts preparing for Missouri the last thing on his mind will be Georgia's defense.
Man you are PDB made over. It's a game...

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