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Turkey and Turkey Hunting Magazine.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2004
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Hadn't seen it on the shelf for a good while, so I looked at there website last night and the publication was cancelled a year ago. Too bad. I liked picking it up every now and then. The Barnes and Noble near my house has dozens of deer hunting magazines and books, but not a single turkey hunting title.

What's up with this? Are there any good turkey hunting mags out there? Have they become a casualty of the "hunting" shows on cable?
pass-thru said:
Have they become a casualty of the "hunting" shows on cable?

Probably more due to the internet. People come to message boards like this to pick up tips, read about hunts, etc.

Or they go to YouTube to learn calls, etc.

I also likes to get an issue or two, but had never subscribed to it. If they aren't selling subscriptions, magazines can't sell advertising.
I remember the 1st T&TH magazine a fellow at church gave me...I read that thing so many times the tattered pages finally just fell out. They were around a long time.
As a young boy 12 years old I would set and read over and over my dad's collection of those. I would day dream about being able to hunt them by myself some day.
Seems like they would at least be able to do a double size annual with great success.
Roost 1 said:
Gravey said:
Roost 1 said:
I have just recently seen a new issue of turkey and turkey hunting on the shelf....I hope it is coming back..
Those are two years old but since Kentucky is behind the times they've just shown up there. :D

That's funny...however the one saw was in TN.......
Sure it was :D

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