Too Late to Plant Decorative Squash & Punkins?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2012
SouthEast Tenn
Would like to plant some of those little decorative squash and pumpkins but I wonder if it's too late given that I would like for them to be harvestable around Halloween so that they would at least be available for fall decoration or Thanksgiving. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2008
Shelby County
Re: Too Late to Plant Decorative Squash & Punkins?

Nearly two months late. I use to use 4th of July as planting target for pumpkins. Can't speak to squash. However, that date was what I used when I was growing the 100 pounders. Nothing to lose, get some hills going right away and hope for a HOT september. They vine at night if its warm enough. Check with the seed comapnies and see what they say. You are definitely on the late side of things. Maybe for Thanksgiving?

Oh. Forgot. Always hand pollinate. pinch off the smallest ones and keeep 3 or 4 per vine as your max. I set my garden up nearly amonth ahead of time with soil worked deep-24 inches-and plenty of 13-13-13 mixed in. Once I thinned out the runts I sprayed WEEKLY with miracle-grow. There is some secret about using ssawdust but I never got to try it.

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