Permethrin Question


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2003
Cookeville, TN
To date, Permethrin is considered the most "mammal-friendly" pesticide known. Generally, it takes concentrations 10 to 20 times higher than what we are spraying on our clothes to see detrimental effects. Now is it good for you? No. But is it terribly bad for you? I would say only in very high doses.
Just don't spray a cat down with it. For some reason they can't handle it. My buddy's wife found that out the hard way!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2012
harriman. TN
To date, Permethrin is considered the most "mammal-friendly" pesticide known. Generally, it takes concentrations 10 to 20 times higher than what we are spraying on our clothes to see detrimental effects. Now is it good for you? No. But is it terribly bad for you? I would say only in very high doses.
To date, Permethrin is considered the most "mammal-friendly" pesticide known. Generally, it takes concentrations 10 to 20 times higher than what we are spraying on our clothes to see detrimental effects. Now is it good for you? No. But is it terribly bad for you? I would say only in very high doses.
Toxic to cats….seems ok for dogs and humans….


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2023
I spray my clothes heavily with Sawyers and I spray my skin with deet. I've had Lymes Disease. It sucks. I treat my clothes according to the directions and have had no adverse reactions. I sweat heavily in the early season and pre-season scouting and bush-whacking trips. But I don't get bit by the nasty critters.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2015
I got Lyme disease in 2012. It went undiagnosed for nearly 2 years because two different family doctors refused to believe I had it. It took an inquisitive heart doctor to put the puzzle pieces together and order a western blot test. I reckon I've got it for life now. I've used the dip method for 10 years now and haven't had a single tick bite. In the spring, I dunk all the shirts and pants I plan to wear for turkey.and early deer seasons. The remainder, I put in spray bottles to spray blinds, boots, stands, etc.

Several years ago, a fishing buddy wanted enough 36% to mix 3 gallons at .5%. I put it in a bottle, Removed the label and taped the lid shut. Well, he opened and smelled it on his way home and put it in a drink holder. Upon pulling into his driveway, he chugged a couple mouthfuls before stopping. He called me and told me what happened and I freaked out. I started researching and found that the human body produces an enzyme the rids the body of permethrin before it can be harmful. He was just getting over chemo and I expected the worst. He had no ill effects.

Just an FYI, we mix to .5% but the cream doctors prescribe for scabies is 5%, ten times stronger.

One thing I'd like to mention, When giving mixing directions, always state 10% concentrate or 36% concentrate.


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