Lone Hunter
Well-Known Member
I have always used some sort of spray Permethrin for chigger and tick control. I am currently using Sawyers and like it. I keep seeing guys say go to Tractor Supply and buy some permethrin concentrate and soak your clothes in it. I sweat really bad and wondered if your clothes soaked( I know they would be dry before I put them on) would transmit any Permethrin to your skin and if it did would it matter? How much Permethrin do you use to the amount of water? How often do you soak your clothes? They say with the Sawyers it last about 2 weeks. I don't think it would last that long as I perspire real heavy. My clothes are soaked completely through and usually I have to wring my socks out. Also, I don't like wearing sweaty clothes the next day but if you're at camp you have to if you stay many days. If I'm hunting from home I will wash them and use a different set of clothes. I guess in my long winded post is what I'm asking is it better to use spray permethrin or buy some concentrate and soak your clothes? The best thing about Summer Time is it finally goes away. I hate the heat and bugs.