
That Time a Python Hunter Found a Satanic Ritual Site in the Florida Everglades
Invasive species hunter Mike Kimmel found signs of a Satanic ritual while chasing pythons around an abandoned rocket test facility one night.

Mine's not too creepy, but I came face to face with an owl on a ladder stand in the dark. I'll never understand why he let me get so close, but he was about 5 feet away when he flew off. I could feel the wind off his wings.Came across this article of a snake hunter down in Florida who found some kind of satinic ritual site. How many of you have stumbled into some weird situations in the woods? These stories are creepy, but interesting.![]()
That Time a Python Hunter Found a Satanic Ritual Site in the Florida Everglades
Invasive species hunter Mike Kimmel found signs of a Satanic ritual while chasing pythons around an abandoned rocket test facility one night.www.outdoorlife.com
I had an owl trying to figure me out while I was on a ladder stand about 100' away. He kept staring at me moving his head like they do. Then the darn thing flew right at me and just before he landed on me I pushed it away with my crossbow. That was cool. A barred owl.Mine's not too creepy, but I came face to face with an owl on a ladder stand in the dark. I'll never understand why he let me get so close, but he was about 5 feet away when he flew off. I could feel the wind off his wings.
Have they stopped or is it still going on? Ever figure out who they are and why your area?My creepiest story happened last year. I live on a farm that has a road in front of it. It used to be a mouse quiet country setting. We had some hogs show up last year and these trucks started showing up at night and stopping in certain places and acting really creepy. It took me a while to figure out what these guys were doing but they were hunting my land at night with thermals like the military uses. Some of them started shooting from the road last October and this went on all the way into July of this year. I finally started patrolling all night every night and just decided to fight to the death if need be. They watch you from the road with thermals and watch what time you go to bed. They would stop at the end of the driveway and watch with thermals. They harass you anytime they see you grilling out or drinking a beer with friends. I knew it was a really bad situation when i saw them harassing Game Wardens and they were not being arrested for it. There wound up being about 35 different vehicles doing it.
Long story short, after intense stalkingand harassment combined with some of them shooting rifles directly at my home and my neighbors i believe i have PTSD, anxiety, and insomnia from it.
Ive lost count but i think last night was the 24th night in row ive patrolled ALL night with a dash cam. That is literally the only thing that stops it.Have they stopped or is it still going on? Ever figure out who they are and why your area?
Rough country for sure. My Aunt an Uncle lived in Waterville and I got to spend my summers up there with them. Loved it up thereBorn and raised in the heart of Appalachia (Cosby,TN). My family's land bordered National Forest for miles and miles behind us. It was a wonderful place to grow up and I spent my fair share of time in the woods or fishing the Pigeon River outside of playing sports. Needless to say I saw and heard a lot of weird things being in the middle of dense NF. The weirdest one that sticks with me though is a time my cousin and I were planning a hike and hunt to a place called Devil's Backbone behind the house. It is a solid 2.5 mile trek going almost vertical for more than 2/3rds the trip. It's a rough hike that's steep as a horses face but it can be rewarding with killer views and the potential to shoot a buck/bear that may have only crossed paths with a human a handful of times. We got started mid morning and had planned to be at the backbone and set camp a couple hours before dark. The hike turned out to be a little rougher than we had planned and it started getting dark on us as some cloud cover rolled in and it started to drizzle. We fought thru the laurel thickets for about another hour and finally ended up at the edge of the giant bowl in the backbone. We were in the heart of some remote ass territory. At this point we were damp from the drizzle and pretty wore down so we started pitchin camp with the last bit of light we had left. Failed an attempt at building a fire due to the wetness, so we called it a night and went to bed. I can honestly say that night I had one of the best sleeps I believe I may have ever had. Got outta the tent about an hour before light and we started making our way to the backside of the bowl to setup and ground hunt.
Our setup was solid as we were perched on the lip of a ridge overlooking a DEEP holler that was full of oaks and poplar. As a lot of you know who are from or have been in this territory, we were in the heart of mature timber. 150 yard shot in some spots was not out of the question. You can see a long ways in these big woods. As we were both sitting there waiting for daylight to come we heard some walking in the leaves and a few sticks breaking not far off in the distance and assumed it was a bear. The sound would come and go every 5-10 minutes or so and it sounded like it wasn't moving much or just sort of feeding/walking in a circle. Naturally our assumption was bear feeding on acorns. After a few more minutes it's staring to become gray light and the sounds of the twigs cracking and walking stops and we hear a voice, like a loud whisper almost. Real weird. My automatic reaction was, "Damn we got another guy in here that had the same idea as us" but there is no way in hell a man would walk almost 6-7 miles on an overgrown blow-down type forest service road to maaayybee see one deer because the only other access other than behind my house is a trail head that began at the head of Mill Creek, which was a good ways away and vertical the entire time. Anyway...it's finally light enough to see through most of the woods and sure enough we see a man sitting on the ground, non hunting clothing, just stacking sticks and kind of like playing in the dirt. At this point we both are getting pretty uneasy but we have rifles and this dude has no idea we are in the world so we just sit and watch him thru our binos. He was probably 75ish to 100 yards away on a ridge vein down below us and really starting to crank it up in the weird department. He went from loud whispers to screaming at the top of his lungs and at one point crying and talking to himself saying "I never should have done it, I should have stayed but I am faithful to my master" and all kinds of stuff that made us both ready to get the hell out of dodge. After a few more minutes of crazy acts he laid down back flat against the ridge just looking up talking to himself and that's when we decided it was a good time to sneak outta there and get back to the camp spot. I had a feeling the dude would see us because of the crunchyish leaves and what not, but we tried to be sneaky as possible. We hadn't took three steps and this man raises up, sees us, throws a hand up in the air, and hollers at us. It wasn't like a friendly "hey buddy" type holler but more of a "my master is away and you're not welcome" or something to that effect. He let out a few more demonic bellers and just laid back down looking up.
We were both pretty terrified I ain't gonna lie and we damn near sprinted half a mile back to our camp spot, packed tents, and blew dodge. Left my favorite flashlight in that spot, I imagine its still there.
A 5.5 hour hike in took us about an hour and a half going out. HA! Once we got out we called a few buddies who work for the forest service and National Park and let em know what was going on and where. Nothing ever came of it for a couple months until dead of January/February hit and he came out and was wandering around Hartford. The story I was told is he was a hitch hiker from somewhere up north who checked all the boxes for Moccasin Bend and got dropped of by a trucker in Hartford and was gonna go "live in the mountains." I reckon they found him dead in Harmon Den, NC a year or two later. Crazy.
Sounds like a great idea right before the start of deer season so my mind can have all kinds of great stories to reflect on as I walk into my tree stand in the dark.Great stories! If anyone wants to read about 80 pages in a thread about this stuff, google "Creepy Experiences in the Backcountry". It's pure gold
Sounds like what occurred in the book, "Portals" , i just finished reading.About fifty feet off the ground above the scrub pines that surrounded the pit I was crossing was a section of the sky that looked like it was blurry. It was like a TV screen that was not in focus. It appeared to be ovular in shape and several feet across and several feet in height.
Now That's What I Call creepy.In the early bow season of 2006 I was hunting in the Cumberland Mountains of southern Scott County. I had wounded a doe with my bow and was tracking her through some old strip mines. As I emerged from the edge of a pine thicket into a grown up strip pit I noticed that it was completely silent. An odd feeling came over me for, as all hunters know, nature is not silent. I was slowly scanning the area when movement caught my eye. About fifty feet off the ground above the scrub pines that surrounded the pit I was crossing was a section of the sky that looked like it was blurry. It was like a TV screen that was not in focus. It appeared to be ovular in shape and several feet across and several feet in height. There was also a hint of a strange odor; an electrical like smell or chemical fragrance. This glitch in the air was waxing and waning slightly. I looked away and looked back and it was still there. This lasted maybe 30-45 seconds before weakening and disappearing altogether. The odor lingered on but it was ever so slight. The silence remained for another couple of minutes before nature's sounds slowly reyurned. I had a bad headache that lasted several hours afterwards and my joints were very stiff until the next day. I continued looking for the deer but did not find it and found it hard to focus due to the headache. It was a very disturbing occurence.