I Took Taylor Swift Catfishing


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
Sunday May 31
Kelley Swift came over from Middle Tennessee and fished with me today. What fun! And he brought Taylor Swift with him!

No, not THAT Taylor Swift. Taylor is his son and after his high school graduation, they wanted to sample some Tennessee River catfish. Taylor is haded for VMI in the Fall. He's a great young man, even if he's not quite as pretty as THE Taylor Swift.

No generators were on early so we killed time chasing bluegill. They're hanging in there pretty good and Kelley marveled at the biggest 'gills he said he'd ever seen. TVA finally flipped the switched on generators at 8 am and we switched to cats.


We smoked 'em good today... the fish weren't as big as (some) from Saturday (report below), but there were LOT's more of them. We didn't make many drifts without pulling one or two cats into the boat. From the time we started about 8:15, until they hit the generators full blast at 1:00, the bite never slowed down. Big fish today was 18-pounds (except for one that broke Kelley off that we're sure was significantly larger ).


Guesstimating that we put 200 lbs., give or take, of catfish in the boat today. But all were released to grow bigger and fight again another day. Which means life is good and gettin' better every day!


Saturday, May 30
Larry Gorham came down from Kentucky to crappie fish with his wife earlier this year. Saturday he brought his grandson Ryan to chase cats. They're actually shutting the generators down overnight now. That hurts my tailwater cat bite badly ... so it was actually kind of slow. However, what we caught were QUALITY fish, including a 45 lb. Beast!

And so help me, Larry wore him down on a spinning rod on 8 lb. test! I was an absolute nervous wreck.

Larry let Ryan fight the fish for a little while, but he got wore out before the fish. It took a LONG time, and when I finally drug him over the side of the boat, we had an onshore audience that did some hootin' and hollerin' for sure. It was a rush!


We caught a few other fish... but after battling the beast for a half hour of more, it was really all downhill from there. And for those who may not have read my reports in a while, all fish caught on chicken breast.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Again, simply awesome. :D
I sure do wish I lived closer to there.

Oh yeah, the catfish at Danville like chicken breast too. ;)

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