Garden pics 5/14


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Here's what the garden is looking like today...

Got 2 12oz tomatoes starting to turn. I'll be picking maters by next weekend. Squash has already come in. Purple hull peas are blooming and have set fruit. Most of the turnip greens went to the chickens, since the family hates them (can't figure out why they don't like turnip greens... one of my favorites!)

The corn is hurting for nitrogen. My first time to plant corn in the garden- I had no idea it needed that much... but a few plants are starting to tassle.

Already cutting broccoli and lettuce. Gonna plant some more corn in those rows this week.


Most of my nitrogen comes from these guys... getting 10-12 eggs/ day, and it makes for some great dressing on the plants.

This guy (black australorp) is only 18 weeks old... I'm trying to convince my 9 y/o girl to show him in 4H... he's got a LOT of potential for such a young cockrel


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
BIG fig tree. The main trunk is at a 45 deg angle courtesy of Hurricane Katrina, but it came back out nicely. I've also got blueberries (dang mockingbirds ate most of them when they were still green).

I USED to have some really nice peach trees, until the neighbor decided to spray the fence line and it drifted on the peach trees and killed them 3 years ago.

Finished up with the broccoli, lettuce, and greens this afternoon. I applied some slag, ammonium sulfate and tilled that area up. Gonna put a second crop of purple hulled peas in tomorrow afternoon.

Definetly a good lesson for the kids... I don't want them growing up thinking all our food automatically comes from the grocery store. Who knows, in the not too distant future, we may all end up having to live off the land again, and I want my kids to be prepared.

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