Cheatham WMA newbie


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2020
As an avid Cheatham WMA hunter I would offer this….make sure to fully look at the map. Like some stated above last year I pulled out a doe from a creek bottom by myself and it was tough work. Couple hours but I just took it as more rewarding. Remember to go and drive the edges of it because there are tons of access points from all around. Typically when I drive in I will see a car or two that have beaten me there but I just drive another few and park where no one else is. I always have fun out there and the few hunters I have run into have been polite, nice, and a few years back one helped me drag one out. There are a$& holes everywhere but I believe if you are not one you'll have no problems. I'm in Sumner Co. so I drive in on Briley and thru Ashland city. It takes me about 40 minutes to get there in the morning so if you ever need help just message me and ill come help if I can.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2020
There is loads of public land in middle Tennessee, just go somewhere else LOL! Or apply for a hunt LOL!
Oh and I'm absolutely in favor of Cheatham going quota only!! It was a joke before they changed it last year. I reported 2 corn piles on that property 2 yrs ago. I was always getting walked in on by assholes that didn't give a ****. Had a guy climb a tree 50 yards from me and then cuss me out cause I was in "his" spot. Hopefully the draw hunts weed out the trash!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2020
Bro, how can you pattern and hint a deer if if it only sporadically open. That is plum stupid! Or if the weather is terrible during one of those quotas? Huh? Did you think of that? The quota is a TERRIBLE idea. Maybe you had someone walk up on you cause you are a tennis shoe hunter? I've hunted the place since 1993 and can't remember being walked upon, of course I usually walk 30-40 minutes from where I park.


Aug 22, 2021
Greene county
As an avid Cheatham WMA hunter I would offer this….make sure to fully look at the map. Like some stated above last year I pulled out a doe from a creek bottom by myself and it was tough work. Couple hours but I just took it as more rewarding. Remember to go and drive the edges of it because there are tons of access points from all around. Typically when I drive in I will see a car or two that have beaten me there but I just drive another few and park where no one else is. I always have fun out there and the few hunters I have run into have been polite, nice, and a few years back one helped me drag one out. There are a$& holes everywhere but I believe if you are not one you'll have no problems. I'm in Sumner Co. so I drive in on Briley and thru Ashland city. It takes me about 40 minutes to get there in the morning so if you ever need help just message me and ill come help if I can.
Thank you very much I appreciate that.

Woody Armor

Sep 19, 2015
Totally in agreement with FTP and a few others. I have been going out there for the past 12 years. Randy was superb+. I cannot even begin to unpack the way the place has went downhill since Eric was put in place. Through my experiences in various places I would say it is one of the worst ran WMA's I have been on in the southeast (and I mean beyond just Tennessee). The quota hunt outlay they have put in place is a disaster. A WMA of that size and the make up of the terrain to be off limits for a large portion of the season is a special kind of stupid.

Randy had figured out about as close to a perfect balance of herd management and access to the WMA as it could be and it was a very enjoyable place to hunt. He had it set up for a normal archery season for the most part, no doe during the ML and FA season. Helped get the herd back in shape with plenty of quality deer numbers and good bucks. Was my absolute favorite in middle TN by far.

They now have a complete mess out there since Randy's departure. I was appalled at the amount of trash and crap strewn through the woods last season. Again, I have been out there for 12 years exclusively for entire seasons and know it inside and out from top to bottom, side to side. The quota hunts are little window weekends here and there with a week squeezed in here and there. Then it is opened up wide open for does only after the quota hunts which seems to attract every slob "brown is down" hunter in the area that seems to get a kick out of applying their favorite hobby of turning the WMA into a dumping ground for trash. Yanahli already had that covered, but I guess Cheatham did not want to be outdone for trying to attract disrespectful "hunters".

I saw an interview with some TWRA staff a while back talking about how they wanted to get "more people" to utilize the WMA so they came up with this current quota scheme to supposedly accomplish that. (Which Eric said was his intention from day one years ago when he took the WMA management spot over. I think he has plenty to do with it from the direction he talked about during the transition from Randy to him). Being out there for so many years and so much time of each of those entire seasons, I can tell you that many of the serious hunters have thinned out a lot thru the past 3 or 4 seasons and "more people" have definitely entered the picture. There were plenty of good bucks there during Randy's last few years. I have always done very well there through the years. Actually, it has been getting to the point that a few more does could have been taken beyond the archery season as the pressure was very minimal during archery. It would have made far more sense to have added a doe tag drawing to help harvest some more does in a far more controlled manner and avoided the absolute mess that was made last year in the woods along with a good many jerks in the woods that had no concern for any others around them. There have always been a few undesirables here and there through the years out there. That happens everywhere, but last year out there was just far too many to deal with. Luckily I walk a ways to get away from those types, but I finally ended up going to Yanahli as I got tired of the circus out there the way it is now.

It is pretty sad actually to have such a great piece of land in a location, that is pretty accessible to the middle TN, be such a mismanaged WMA that only a few years ago was one of the better WMA's of the state. It is a large continuous piece of land with a variety of hills, habitat and variety. It is rugged, but that is what allows the deer to grow the herd and work around the majority of hunters. (Even when all of the roads were open).

Deer are not the problem at Cheatham. The management is the problem at Cheatham. They act as if a normal deer season is just far too out of bounds for the WMA. With their logic and thought process it is almost impossible to believe that there is 1 deer left in a place like Yanahli with the massive massive amounts of pressure and such disregard for the WMA/land from many people that really don't seem to care about the few precious areas left for the sport. Yanahli gets slammed month after month after month in a season. Yet there are plenty of deer out there every year. Go figure.

The perfect balance is how Randy had it. Archery season at Cheatham always tended to consist of hunters that leaned to the more serious and hard working type, the ML and FA season with a buck only restriction kept most of the slobs out of there that trash the woods up and disrespect hunters around them because they decided to amble out there and are downing anything and everything that walks in front of them. So, for me, it is nowhere near as safe as it used to be to take younger kids out there the way it is now.

Like I said, it is hard to unpack and explain to newer people wanting to go out there how it used to be compared to the sad state of affairs it has turned into for a great piece of land that could be excellent with the correct management. Now, not so much.

I will sum up my spiel with this. I can either go to Cheatham or Yanahli as far as fairly even driving distances. I have chosen to move to Yanahli the past few years as I finally gave up on Cheatham and this new quota "experiment" they have put in place. Are there better bucks at Cheatham. Yep. But at Yanahli I can actually get the proper time to spend in a season to utilize it. You only get so many seasons in a lifetime and when working and everything else going on in life you have to get the time when you can. Quota weekends and weeks here and there are the exact opposite of helping to enjoy as much season as possible. It is really a shame.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2020
Totally in agreement with FTP and a few others. I have been going out there for the past 12 years. Randy was superb+. I cannot even begin to unpack the way the place has went downhill since Eric was put in place. Through my experiences in various places I would say it is one of the worst ran WMA's I have been on in the southeast (and I mean beyond just Tennessee). The quota hunt outlay they have put in place is a disaster. A WMA of that size and the make up of the terrain to be off limits for a large portion of the season is a special kind of stupid.

Randy had figured out about as close to a perfect balance of herd management and access to the WMA as it could be and it was a very enjoyable place to hunt. He had it set up for a normal archery season for the most part, no doe during the ML and FA season. Helped get the herd back in shape with plenty of quality deer numbers and good bucks. Was my absolute favorite in middle TN by far.

They now have a complete mess out there since Randy's departure. I was appalled at the amount of trash and crap strewn through the woods last season. Again, I have been out there for 12 years exclusively for entire seasons and know it inside and out from top to bottom, side to side. The quota hunts are little window weekends here and there with a week squeezed in here and there. Then it is opened up wide open for does only after the quota hunts which seems to attract every slob "brown is down" hunter in the area that seems to get a kick out of applying their favorite hobby of turning the WMA into a dumping ground for trash. Yanahli already had that covered, but I guess Cheatham did not want to be outdone for trying to attract disrespectful "hunters".

I seen an interview with some TWRA staff a while back talking about how they wanted to get "more people" to utilize the WMA so they came up with this current quota scheme to supposedly accomplish that. (Which Eric said was his intention from day one years ago when he took the WMA management spot over. I think he has plenty to do with it from the direction he talked about during the transition from Randy to him). Being out there for so many years and so much time of each of those entire seasons, I can tell you that many of the serious hunters have thinned out a lot thru the past 3 or 4 seasons and "more people" have definitely entered the picture.

It is pretty sad actually to have such a great piece of land in a location, that is pretty accessible to the middle TN, be such a mismanaged WMA that only a few years ago was one of the better WMA's of the state. It is a large continuous piece of land with a variety of hills, habitat and variety. It is rugged, but that is what allows the deer to grow the herd and work around the majority of hunters. (Even when all of the roads were open).

Deer are not the problem at Cheatham. The management is the problem at Cheatham. They act as if a normal deer season is just far too out of bounds for the WMA. With their logic and thought process it is almost impossible to believe that there is 1 deer left in a place like Yanahli with the massive massive amounts of pressure and such disregard for the WMA/land from many people that really don't seem to care about the few precious areas left for the sport. Yanahli gets slammed month after month after month in a season. Yet there are plenty of deer out there every year. Go figure.

The perfect balance is how Randy had it. Archery season at Cheatham always tended to consist of hunters that leaned to the more serious and hard working type, the ML and FA season with a buck only restriction kept most of the slobs out of there that trash the woods up and disrespect hunters around them because they decided to amble out there and are downing anything and everything that walks in front of them. So, for me, it is nowhere near as safe as it used to be to take younger kids out there the way it is now.

Like I said, it is hard to unpack and explain to newer people wanting to go out there how it used to be compared to the sad state of affairs it has turned into for a great piece of land that could be excellent with the correct management. Now, not so much.

I will sum up my spiel with this. I can either go to Cheatham or Yanahli as far as fairly even driving distances. I have chosen to move to Yanahli the past few years as I finally gave up on Cheatham and this new quota "experiment" they have put in place. Are there better bucks at Cheatham. Yep. But at Yanahli I can actually get the proper time to spend in a season to utilize it. You only get so many seasons in a lifetime and when working and everything else going on in life you have to get the time when you can. Quota weekends and weeks here and there are the exact opposite of helping to enjoy as much season as possible. It is really a shame.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2020
Woody Armor,
I beg you my friend, literally, next May please attend the Commission meeting where these crazy quotas are discussed and set. Please, please please absolutely be a pain in the ass to every commissioner in the state about this topic. The sleepy wheel gets the grease. But EVERYTHING you said about how the Cheatham WMA has been managed both past and present is spot on 2,000%!
I am sick of the folks not listening to us hunters, Mr Unapproachable (Eric) has let the place got to Hell in just a few years, he is lazy, the place looks like a land fill at times with trash all over the place. I could go on and on but this topic makes my blood boil. So I'll close with this... changes have got to be made at this place.....what a shame how they are managing it.

Woody Armor

Sep 19, 2015
I will keep an eye on the spring meeting places and times. For those of us who have been using and going to Cheatham for over a decade it is quite amazing how fast a WMA can change under new management. In this case for the worse.

I like hunting mature animals and work hard putting my time in. At that, I am not really in favor of the 15" spread/antler restriction. If I am predominantly after mature animals most would think I would want the antler size restrictions, but they never work out like the theory on paper seems. All the pressure gets put on the mature animals rather than being spread across the entire age group of bucks. Many do not have the skill set or the desire to chase the larger bucks. And that is what spreads the harvest across the herd more uniformly. I never had any problems taking large bucks out there when Randy managed it without any antler restrictions. I could even live with that if they would get the place opened back up during season.

I do not expect public WMA's to be managed and utilized as somebody's idea of a deer ranch at the expense of the public that funds these lands. I do like some regulations that control and keep the place from being a free for all (I.E. a WMA like Yanahli) like Randy did by doing such a great job at finding the perfect balance for the herd and the hunters while keeping the disrespectful people to a minimum. It had quality deer and opportunity during a full season. If they want to keep the road access down from what it used to be I can even deal with that. But limiting major amounts of the season with these quota windows really is completely backwards.

So, lets call it like it really is. Most everyone that applies for the quota gets a quota tag (or 2) as there are always left overs for most of the quotas since they have been doing it. For the most part, everyone that has or wants to hunt out there pretty much does because they get drawn. What actually seems to end up happening then is roughly the amount of people that would be normally be spread across an entire season out there are now all crammed into these weekends or weeks while the in between times are off limits due to the WMA being completely shut down. It really makes very little sense unless you are the TWRA getting extra quota fees beyond the WMA usage license to have access to hunt on the WMA's. But maybe I am just being cynical on the money angle?? But the amount of people getting squeezed together to hunt is just simple logical common sense as the quota times are the only time you can be out there now.

At least the first year they did the quota approach they held the quotas to basically give you a jump start on ML and FA season by a week. BUT they then let the season run as normal so you could still hunt during the normal seasons. They did not close down the whole dang WMA like they are now in these in-between times. What a waste of a property.

It is so frustrating, especially for those of us that know what it should be like out there as we experienced the times that were way better out there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2020
Woody I would love to pick your brain on Cheatham WMA I have hunted out there for a few years 3/4 and had some good luck harvesting does but haven't seen any decent sized deer 🦌. I don't expect much but I feel like I should be seeing more. Would you mind if I ask you in a message about some spots I have been going to get your feedback?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2021
Sumner County
Nee guy here. I also got a slot in November for Cheatum and have never hunted the area. If I may piggy back into this thread and ask, am I allowed to scout the area before hand?
Buddy and I both got the same weeks and we wanted to scout the area as neither of us have hunted it. We're thinking a few times before our weeks allotted

Any issues with that?

Total newb here so I appreciate the help and look forward to learning.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2019
Middle TN
Nee guy here. I also got a slot in November for Cheatum and have never hunted the area. If I may piggy back into this thread and ask, am I allowed to scout the area before hand?
Buddy and I both got the same weeks and we wanted to scout the area as neither of us have hunted it. We're thinking a few times before our weeks allotted

Any issues with that?

Total newb here so I appreciate the help and look forward to learning.
To my knowledge there are no issues with scouting as long as you are not carrying a bow or a rifle.


Aug 22, 2021
Greene county
Nee guy here. I also got a slot in November for Cheatum and have never hunted the area. If I may piggy back into this thread and ask, am I allowed to scout the area before hand?
Buddy and I both got the same weeks and we wanted to scout the area as neither of us have hunted it. We're thinking a few times before our weeks allotted

Any issues with that?

Total newb here so I appreciate the help and look forward to learning.
You can scout as long as you have a license and wma permit and there isn't a quota hunt going on. That is what the area manager told me when I talked to him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2020
Sumner County , TN
Thank you very much I appreciate that.
As an avid Cheatham WMA hunter I would offer this….make sure to fully look at the map. Like some stated above last year I pulled out a doe from a creek bottom by myself and it was tough work. Couple hours but I just took it as more rewarding. Remember to go and drive the edges of it because there are tons of access points from all around. Typically when I drive in I will see a car or two that have beaten me there but I just drive another few and park where no one else is. I always have fun out there and the few hunters I have run into have been polite, nice, and a few years back one helped me drag one out. There are a$& holes everywhere but I believe if you are not one you'll have no problems. I'm in Sumner Co. so I drive in on Briley and thru Ashland city. It takes me about 40 minutes to get there in the morning so if you ever need help just message me and ill come help if I can.
If you choose to drive thru Ashland City pay close attention to the speed limits as they love to write them some speeding tickets..

Antler Daddy

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2020
I seem to remember a commission meeting where Cheatham was discussed. They said the quotas were added to increase Hunter participants on the area. That more hunters helped the deer move. Somebody pleaded for an open hunt after the quotas and it got approved.

I love it when people show up and the commission gets all ruffled up. You can always tell when Cox has had enough.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2020
I will keep an eye on the spring meeting places and times. For those of us who have been using and going to Cheatham for over a decade it is quite amazing how fast a WMA can change under new management. In this case for the worse.

I like hunting mature animals and work hard putting my time in. At that, I am not really in favor of the 15" spread/antler restriction. If I am predominantly after mature animals most would think I would want the antler size restrictions, but they never work out like the theory on paper seems. All the pressure gets put on the mature animals rather than being spread across the entire age group of bucks. Many do not have the skill set or the desire to chase the larger bucks. And that is what spreads the harvest across the herd more uniformly. I never had any problems taking large bucks out there when Randy managed it without any antler restrictions. I could even live with that if they would get the place opened back up during season.

I do not expect public WMA's to be managed and utilized as somebody's idea of a deer ranch at the expense of the public that funds these lands. I do like some regulations that control and keep the place from being a free for all (I.E. a WMA like Yanahli) like Randy did by doing such a great job at finding the perfect balance for the herd and the hunters while keeping the disrespectful people to a minimum. It had quality deer and opportunity during a full season. If they want to keep the road access down from what it used to be I can even deal with that. But limiting major amounts of the season with these quota windows really is completely backwards.

So, lets call it like it really is. Most everyone that applies for the quota gets a quota tag (or 2) as there are always left overs for most of the quotas since they have been doing it. For the most part, everyone that has or wants to hunt out there pretty much does because they get drawn. What actually seems to end up happening then is roughly the amount of people that would be normally be spread across an entire season out there are now all crammed into these weekends or weeks while the in between times are off limits due to the WMA being completely shut down. It really makes very little sense unless you are the TWRA getting extra quota fees beyond the WMA usage license to have access to hunt on the WMA's. But maybe I am just being cynical on the money angle?? But the amount of people getting squeezed together to hunt is just simple logical common sense as the quota times are the only time you can be out there now.

At least the first year they did the quota approach they held the quotas to basically give you a jump start on ML and FA season by a week. BUT they then let the season run as normal so you could still hunt during the normal seasons. They did not close down the whole dang WMA like they are now in these in-between times. What a waste of a property.

It is so frustrating, especially for those of us that know what it should be like out there as we experienced the times that were way better out there.
It is the only place I have to hunt. Been there through ups and downs of Blue Tongue in 2007 and so on. What a waste this beautiful piece of property h
To my knowledge archery is still totally open/no quota. It's just muz and gun that is quota.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2013
I was under the impression that most WMA's were quota gun hunts only with the exception of a non quota bow hunt for some. Take for instance Catoosa which is 80,000 acres of property. Their gun hunts are crowded enough with a quota I could not even imagine a non quota or open with the season gun hunt without antler restrictions, that would be a disaster. There would not be a deer left on the place. So Cheatam was better hunting when it was non quota , roads all open and Zero antler restrictions? I have never deer hunted at Cheatam but that's interesting. Probably not worth putting in for the quota hunts?

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