Black Yotes=$$$$$


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
I would never do that any animal the only trapping i do is on racoons getting my trash and thats a cage and then i drop them off in the middle nowhere. i wish this kind of trapping would be outlawed in tennessee.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
benton co.
buzz mcmanus said:
Deerbuster1996 said:
....the only trapping i do is on racoons getting my trash and thats a cage and then i drop them off in the middle nowhere.
I'm 99% sure it is illegal to relocate racoons in the state of TN without the proper permit. ... 6450071663

i had a couple that i thought might have rabies or were sick coming in my garage. called the game warden and he came out and got them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2009
williamson co
You guys are living in a dream world. Trapping is beneficial to nature and don't chime in on someting till you know the facts. Some of you sound just like the PETA folks passing judgment using limited information. The average hunter could not carry the water of an average trapper.

You hunters need to stick together with the trappers or fall divided.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2003
arkwaterfowler said:
You guys are living in a dream world. Trapping is beneficial to nature and don't chime in on someting till you know the facts. Some of you sound just like the PETA folks passing judgment using limited information. The average hunter could not carry the water of an average trapper.

You hunters need to stick together with the trappers or fall divided.
I will have to agree that it takes some skills to be a good trapper! I used to help my Grandpa run his traps when I was growing up, and I learned a ton of invaluable info about the woods and the animals living in them! I also agree that we all need to stick together! A dead Coyote is a dead Coyote, I wont worry how he died!

Dean Parisian

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2001
Pamelot, TN Ghost Ranc MT San Jose del Cabo, MX
I'll weigh in as a trapper who has taken hundreds of fox and coyotes and as a Life Member of the TN Fur Harvesters, MN Trappers Association and the Georgia Trappers Association as well as a Life Member of the NRA.

The professionals I know who trap in states where it is legal for the live market have a goal to deliver that coyote to a pen in top condition. The traps, off-set, the proper chains, chain length, springs etc. are all about delivering that coyote without any foot pad damage and every trapper I know who traps for the live market carries antibiotics to inject into coyotes when there is a possibility of infection due to open wound damage to a foot or foot pad.

Those black coyotes have been selling for around $300 on for some time.

Some of the commentary on this thread has been rather harsh on trapping and trappers. Interesting dialogue for sure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2004
ChippewaPartners said:
Some of the commentary on this thread has been rather harsh on trapping and trappers. Interesting dialogue for sure.

There have been some very ignorant things said on this thread. I'm a trapper too and though legal where I live I stay away from live market. The perception it creates among the general public and even among hunters his bad for trapping as a whole.

There are counties here in NC, where fox trapping is regulated on a county by county basis, that do not have fox trapping, because when legislation was introduced to bring back fox trapping, the debate turned into a referendum on live market trapping (which is big here). But for the live market issue, fox trapping would have passed (granted this is only 1 or 2 counties....most of the state still has no fox trapping).

I am not against the live market outright, but I have some serious reservations and do not like the negative perception it creates regarding trapping in general.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
Washington County
It is illegal to keep wildlife alive in TN. I dont believe in keeping them in trap and bidding on them. Personnally I dont think the coyote was left in the trap. Coyotes are good at pulling out of a trap. They dont even need to chew there foot off. He probably took the picture when he found it.
...and yes I do trap


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2000
Western Ky.
I used to trap and I always killed any animal as soon as I came up on it.

As for trapers being crappie hunters. That's so far off the mark it's a joke.

Who do you think were the original scent control hunters?? The trapers. And I'm talking about the original Mountain men, they were ALL TRAPPERS. You think deer spook at human scent, you haven't seen what coyotes and wolves will do if one single speck of human odor is anywhere around the trap site the game is up.

Trappers also have to master how and when to use scents and how to use the wind to carry the scents to where they want them to go to draw in the TARGET animal, not just any animal.

A true professional trapper will never leave anything behind showing that he's been there, every thing is left as nature as possible. He can place several traps around someone's treestand and 30 minutes later the guy goes up his stand for an afternoon hunt, after looking at the ground around him all evening he will never see one of the traps and never guess there might be one around.

Outside of poisoning trapping is the only real way of controling certain anaimal populations. Don't get me wrong I love to predator hunt but if people think that predator hunting controls any population they are fooling themselves. It's been proven that for every one coyote taken by calling and hunting the trapper takes 50 from the same area.

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