Today's catch


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2002
Had plans of putting 12 DP's and 3 foot holds at my hunting property yesterday. After the 6th DP in the ground my anchor driver fell off the truck somewhere and I searched forever and couldn't find it. So came home and ordered another.

I set 3 traps up with sardines, marshmallows, and a little peanut butter around the rim. Caught these 2 over this set up.

Set 2 more up with a bait that my buddy makes and sells. It's a really sweet smell and has crushed corn and a small round dog/cat food type material. These weren't touched. Also had added marshmallows to them.

1 I used his bait plus some grape jelly. It hadn't been touched.

Just got home and swapped everything behind my house to sardines and marshmallows just to change it up. Also put 2 foot holds out back here Saturday. Hoping I catch the bobcat or yote I been seeing.

This makes 3 racoons and 3 possums for me this year. Next weekend I'll get out again to my other property and get the rest out.

Not near as many as others have caught but I'm having fun with it.



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2002
Great going it is addictive for sure had this male waiting on me this morning and an armadillo in a beaver set View attachment 209829
Awesome! I've checked the last 2 mornings in hopes of seeing something big on the line but nothing yet. Curious on how much bait you used ? I used just a small spoonful for my hole. What I've read up it doesn't take much. And put a little bit of lure up above on the log. Hoping that's enough to get ones attention.

jman 125

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2014
Dickson TN
Awesome! I've checked the last 2 mornings in hopes of seeing something big on the line but nothing yet. Curious on how much bait you used ? I used just a small spoonful for my hole. What I've read up it doesn't take much. And put a little bit of lure up above on the log. Hoping that's enough to get ones attention.
I use a spoon full of Hiwatha Valley bait and i take raw sheeps wool and smear yote dope on it and stick it in the hole and then i use a lure called Hell Fire on a small stick and poke it in the ground above the hole. Now i will say if you want to stay married do not get the hell fire on you or if you order any do not open close to the house. It is freaking strong. Yote dope is a bait / lure. This is by far our most productive sets. It is also good for cats and foxes

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