Cops on trail cam


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
Culleoka (Middle TN)
🤣 I read that book.
We're the old guard Dave. Times have changed.

jack black salute GIF


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
If cops are caught on my cams in the middle of the night, I would be curious for sure but I wouldn't be angry or making demands. If I said anything at all it would be some lighthearted smart@$$ humor. Poor cops have so much crap to deal with already ..... like whoever they were chasing. They don't need my nosy self eating up their time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
East Tn
If cops are caught on my cams in the middle of the night, I would be curious for sure but I wouldn't be angry or making demands. If I said anything at all it would be some lighthearted smart@$$ humor. Poor cops have so much crap to deal with already ..... like whoever they were chasing. They don't need my nosy self eating up their time.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010

Sooooo.....when they're chasing a bad guy and they're hopping fences, they're trespassing??

Better yet, they're pursuing a poacher that happens to be on your property. They need your permission to investigate said crime?

Good luck with that. I'll leave it there and remain quiet from here on out. Not trying to be a smart ass, I'm just telling you the way it is.

- Read it in a book
Completely understand where and why everyone is coming from, but around here if your not in the good ole boys club you get walked on and it ain't happening here as long as my names on the deed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
Morgan County
This "good guys/bad guys stuff is ridiculously absurd. It may be okay for small children but anyone with a smidgen of life's experiences should know well enough that there are generalizations but many exceptions as well. Police should not be trusted as many of them are no better than criminals. It may be any number of situations and a property owner has every right to know. It is only good sense to be cordial but one should not grovel either.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
This "good guys/bad guys stuff is ridiculously absurd. It may be okay for small children but anyone with a smidgen of life's experiences should know well enough that there are generalizations but many exceptions as well. Police should not be trusted as many of them are no better than criminals. It may be any number of situations and a property owner has every right to know. It is only good sense to be cordial but one should not grovel either.
"many of them are no better than criminals..."

You sound swell... I know I sure don't regret spending all those nights away from my wife and missed a lot of my girls growing up to protect folks like you who did nothing more than cuss me out, lie to me, hit me, and generally treat me like trash...

I would say SOME. There are always SOME to fit every mold. SOME pastors are bad. SOME politicians are good. SOME folks on this forum are VERY rude. SOME is an accurate representation of the profession because by and large, LEOs are good people. If your experience has been MANY rather than SOME, there is a common denominator there... YOU.

This offend you? Good. Now you know how I feel about your post...


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
Culleoka (Middle TN)
This "good guys/bad guys stuff is ridiculously absurd. It may be okay for small children but anyone with a smidgen of life's experiences should know well enough that there are generalizations but many exceptions as well. Police should not be trusted as many of them are no better than criminals. It may be any number of situations and a property owner has every right to know. It is only good sense to be cordial but one should not grovel either.
I would disagree with "many". There are bad actors in every profession, police work included. From experience, I'd say most LEO's are in it for the right reasons. Sure as heck aren't doing it to get rich. Put the badge on for 48 hrs and I guarantee you'll have a whole new respect for them.

My $.02


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Sep 7, 2011
I'd call and ask about it, and probably say something along the lines of "I need to speak to someone about a picture on my trail camera of some officers walking on my place. I just need to know if there is something going on that I need to know about and to keep a look out for for my own safety". You'll probably come nearer to getting an actual answer from someone phrasing it that way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
Morgan County
I would disagree with "many". There are bad actors in every profession, police work included. From experience, I'd say most LEO's are in it for the right reasons. Sure as heck aren't doing it to get rich. Put the badge on for 48 hrs and I guarantee you'll have a whole new respect for them.

My $.02
You, of course, are entitled to your opinion and yes, there are no accounts in every walk of life. I wonder how many truly good ones there are when they tolerate the actions of the bad ones. There seems to be a significant difference between rural and urban cops. Rural cops tend to be more level headed on the whole. The militarization of police has attracted an unsavory element to their ranks. In the end, however, they are public servants paid by the taxpayer and need to be held to a very rigid standard of conduct. I have no desire to police others but any respect will be earned not blindly given.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2006
Middle Tennessee
I'm kinda confused as to why anyone thinks they wouldn't answer your questions, or you have to word it any kinda way. Where I was, if you called in after the fact you would probably talk to a desk clerk or dispatcher. They may only have the information that is on the log from the date and time you give them. Unless they are familiar with the call, that may not be much info. You could ask to speak to a patrol Command Officer and if they didn't know, they could contact the Officer or Deputy and ask, that might take some time and they might have to get back to you. Obviously if you talk to them like you would with any other person in a normal conversation, I see no reason you wouldn't get the info you are looking for.

But of course anytime there is a thread about cops, it has the potential to go off the rails. 🙃


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
Morgan County
"many of them are no better than criminals..."

You sound swell... I know I sure don't regret spending all those nights away from my wife and missed a lot of my girls growing up to protect folks like you who did nothing more than cuss me out, lie to me, hit me, and generally treat me like trash...

I would say SOME. There are always SOME to fit every mold. SOME pastors are bad. SOME politicians are good. SOME folks on this forum are VERY rude. SOME is an accurate representation of the profession because by and large, LEOs are good people. If your experience has been MANY rather than SOME, there is a common denominator there... YOU.

This offend you? Good. Now you know how I feel about your post...
I'm not offended. Why would I be? I have powers of observation. I have witnessed the authoritarian attitudes of many cops. My dealings with cops have largely been through traffic violations and none of those have ever went wrong. I was speeding every time (5 or 6 tickets over 37 years). I had one incident when I was 19 where I was pulled over and treated very badly by some Knoxville City cops because my truck "fit a description". I'm sure that has tainted my viewpoint since. Another time, a Scott County cop who looked like he should still be in high school pulled me over for a burned out brake light and acted like I was Dillinger for some reason. He was an asswipe from the start although I remained cool.

Check your own attitude here for any denominators. Your feathers are ruffled over a post on a forum where you made assumptions about me and are reveling in my possibly being offended. How would one react when they perceive a challenge to their "authority"?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
I'm not offended. Why would I be? I have powers of observation. I have witnessed the authoritarian attitudes of many cops. My dealings with cops have largely been through traffic violations and none of those have ever went wrong. I was speeding every time (5 or 6 tickets over 37 years). I had one incident when I was 19 where I was pulled over and treated very badly by some Knoxville City cops because my truck "fit a description". I'm sure that has tainted my viewpoint since. Another time, a Scott County cop who looked like he should still be in high school pulled me over for a burned out brake light and acted like I was Dillinger for some reason. He was an asswipe from the start although I remained cool.

Check your own attitude here for any denominators. Your feathers are ruffled over a post on a forum where you made assumptions about me and are reveling in my possibly being offended. How would one react when they perceive a challenge to their "authority"?
It's not an assumption. You stated MANY. What do you do for a living? What if I said most *insert job description here* are bad? Painting with a broad brush is ignorant. By your own admission you've not had real problems with officers in your past so why the hate?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2006
Middle Tennessee
Put the badge on for 48 hrs and I guarantee you'll have a whole new respect for them.
^This.^ I don't know if they do it here, but we had Auxiliary Officers where I was. Most of them had good jobs and just wanted to help out. It's a good way to get firsthand experience and learn a lot you may not know about your community. But be careful, you might end up wanting to be a cop.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
Culleoka (Middle TN)
You, of course, are entitled to your opinion and yes, there are no accounts in every walk of life. I wonder how many truly good ones there are when they tolerate the actions of the bad ones. There seems to be a significant difference between rural and urban cops. Rural cops tend to be more level headed on the whole. The militarization of police has attracted an unsavory element to their ranks. In the end, however, they are public servants paid by the taxpayer and need to be held to a very rigid standard of conduct. I have no desire to police others but any respect will be earned not blindly given.
Let me address your rural vs. urban cops (disclaimer, I was a rural deputy), urban cops typically have 5+ calls pending at any given time, relatively speaking depending on the day, time, moon phase and city. Backup is seconds/minutes away. They have the option, most of the time to wait for backup before they initiate contact with the individual. They're interpreting the law quickly and doing "micro investigations" on the spot to determine if a crime has been committed and what the "punishment" should be (i.e. ticket, arrest, warning, etc.). Rural cops on the other hand don't have the luxury, in most cases, of having backup close by and their calls could be a 15 min. drive from each other. They have to have more of a "command presence" when dealing with people initially and then they can taper that off if need be based on the individuals attitude towards them. When your backup is 30 min. away, you have to think differently and don't have much room for error. A truck full of drunk dudes could easily overpower you if they wanted to. THAT'S whey rural LEO's are perceived as "asswipes" often. They will mirror the asswipe they're dealing with or the cooperative person they're dealing with. Remember, LEO's are people, with families and as I've said before, they have a belt full of fun tools they're trained to use to ensure they get home safely.

Side note: A burned out tail light is illegal, might want to get that looked at unless you want to meet the entire police force. ;)