Worth the wait! Rare bird!

Tn Joe

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Sumner Co.
This turkey season has been the worst I've ever had as far as getting on birds. I hadn't pulled the trigger at all this season. But that all changed this morning. Went to one of my favorite places to hunt this morning and finally got on some gobbling birds. Walked in a pretty good ways before I heard anything. Moved in on one but he flew down and went the other way before I ever got setup. I just hung out in the that area enjoying the morning. With the light wind it made hearing gobbles pretty easy. Around 6:45 I heard a bird get cranked up. Once he gobbled 6-8 times I knew he might be a candidate I was looking to encounter. As I moved closer I could hear the distant gobbles of 2 other birds that seemed to be together. Then the lone gobbler and the pair started answering each other. I tried a setup on the lone gobbler but he kept moving towards the pair away from me. I ended up bumping some deer and they ran his direction so he shut up. As I topped a little ridge I heard the 2 on the opposite rise from me. I cut the distance and got in the bottom and decided to setup. I ran a series of yelps on my trumpet and they cut me off with a gobble at about 100 yds. They gobbled one more time before I saw the first bird moving my direction. As he's pecking along through the woods I see movement behind him and I can't believe what Im seeing. Here is a solid white turkey with a big black swinging beard. I don't usually get to tore up over turkeys but when I saw him I got excited. As they moved closer my heart rate increased. I might have gotten a little rattled and pulled the first shot but after a follow up there laid the bird of a lifetime! After a slow season this bird was well worth wait!
He got a little mud and blood on him after the shot
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