Worst pull ever.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
Hendersonville Tn.
7 cameras. My usually best one had 135 10 second videos. Nothing impressive at all. Maybe a future 130 in ten pointer.
One really great farm had only 30 10 second videos. Nothing more than a frequent 8 pointer.
Another had 385 videos of corn blowing in the wind. My bad. And many coons and a few armadillos. One small 8 pointer many times.

My best buck pics were a group of 6. Maybe the best will be a 110 10 pointer.

Guess it's still early. Good news no cameras missing.
Good luck to all.
Enjoy the bigger buck pics.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
That's a bummer. Hopefully it turns around for you. Summer bucks can be weird. Either you have them or you don't, and when you do have them be thankful because they can disappear without a trace.

My mineral site is set up on a slightly sloping bank above a big creek, about 100yds from the water. The band of woods along the creek is fairly thick but only a couple hundred yards each side of the water. Beyond that is ag fields. It's about this time of year every year that the bigger bucks I've been seeing regular all spring & summer vanish into thin air. Like a flip of a switch they're just gone. The only pattern to it that I've noticed is it's when their beams reach full width and tines begin protruding. I suspect they simply move off to less thick woods because of antler sensitivity. Or possibly it could be they're bedding in corn as this is also when corn reaches a height that it can shade them from the hot sun. That's just guesses though. Regardless of reason, it happens every summer. Not sure if that's anything at all what you're experiencing but maybe it is, and if so they'll be back to visit when they shed velvet.

Andy S.

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 1999
Atoka, TN
My cameras are full of does and smaller bucks at the moment, with the occasional decent buck strolling by. They are mainly in thickets and hardwoods, not really close to ag. As the deer range shift this fall, my odds of picking up a buck worthy of hunting should improve. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
My cameras are full of does and smaller bucks at the moment, with the occasional decent buck strolling by. They are mainly in thickets and hardwoods, not really close to ag. As the deer range shift this fall, my odds of picking up a buck worthy of hunting should improve. Time will tell.
95% of the bucks I will be hunting (older bucks) don't show up until after velvet shedding. Most don't show up until 1) the acorns begin to fall; AND 2) the farmers begin harvesting the crops in the nearby ag bottoms.

Andy S.

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 1999
Atoka, TN
95% of the bucks I will be hunting (older bucks) don't show up until after velvet shedding. Most don't show up until 1) the acorns begin to fall; AND 2) the farmers begin harvesting the crops in the nearby ag bottoms.
Same for me. One additional wild card for me is the neighbors start scouting/hunting/stomping/tromping and push deer my way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2018
Sale Creek
The last time I pulled cards it was encouraging. There was a pretty good buck group. At least six, two of which are older bucks but nothing spectacular. One of the mature bucks will have a high rack still early to tell how good. The other one will be a very wide rack but looks like maybe with short tines. I'm hoping they will still be in the neighborhood come November. Likely they will be lured away by bait on the neighboring properties.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
Likely they will be lured away by bait on the neighboring properties.

I hate that. It happens every year here. Every deer I kill off this one property has a belly full of deer corn. Aggravates the piss out of me.

One thing that concerned me was the lack of spotted fawns. I only saw one and it was running full speed. I hope it was playing and not fleeing!

I've not seen a fawn on camera yet. I bet there's 20 individual bucks showing up and mostly in daylight. But few does and no fawns. It's a strange summer so far.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2023
I pulled my cameras last fall. Seems like the last few years I would get one pic of a nice buck then poof, never see him again. I would see all the less mature deer, but the good one never comes back. So, maybe I will get to see the good buck in my sights this year. This is last years pic:


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2002
This time of year I don't get too worried. I put mine out 2 weeks ago and several does, yearlings and young bucks. Have seen a couple decent bucks so far. I'll usually luck up and get a pic around August of some new bucks and usually better quality bucks but it's still slim to none between July and Sept. Usually mid Oct the better ones start showing up when it matters.

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