Work has begun!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2005
I've been working under a WHIP contract with the NRCS on my property. Been in the planning stages for about a year and a half, but the time has finally come. My loggers moved in this week. Select cut to encourage oak regeneration. I'm super excited to see this taking place, but also scared to death. I'm sure that I've got questions that I don't even know to ask. So feel free to add any input. Also, the Dept. of Forestry delivered 425 wildlife bushes seedlings yesterday. Gonna have a busy weekend getting them in the ground.
Got a road put in for the log truck

Got the loading deck cleared out

Got some logs on the ground



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
Jamestown, TN
I got $350/1000 bd ft for some poplar last week but it was small.Im making the best money off of red oak right now, just because I have big ones bringing $1200/1000 bd ft for the butt logs. White oak is bringing me in some good money as well. I have a stack of mill reciepts to go through.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Polk County
smstone22 said:
I got $350/1000 bd ft for some poplar last week but it was small.Im making the best money off of red oak right now, just because I have big ones bringing $1200/1000 bd ft for the butt logs. White oak is bringing me in some good money as well. I have a stack of mill reciepts to go through.
Yep glad to see red oak go up. It hit bottom in 2008 and finally recovered last year.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
Re: Work has begun! (EastTN270)

eastTN270 said:
I've been working under a WHIP contract with the NRCS on my property. Been in the planning stages for about a year and a half, but the time has finally come. My loggers moved in this week. Select cut to encourage oak regeneration. I'm super excited to see this taking place, but also scared to death. I'm sure that I've got questions that I don't even know to ask. So feel free to add any input. Also, the Dept. of Forestry delivered 425 wildlife bushes seedlings yesterday. Gonna have a busy weekend getting them in the ground.
Got a road put in for the log truck

EastTN270......doing some research and looking back through some older post I came across your post and wondered if you would share your experience.

I'm at the same point today you were in is there anything you would change if you could go back?

Curious....did you plant the loading decks?

Lastly....what type wildlife bushes were planted?

Any input based off your experience is appreciated....looking forward to making progress this winter and spring and welcome any input from those who are a few years ahead in the journey.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2005
Hey DoubleRidge. Here is a recap of my project from about 5 years ago. I've got about 45 acres I'm working with.

1. Have about a 6 acre field. Phase one was to clear the field of most of the trees that had grown in it over the years. I left a few pockets of trees and made sure to leave the persimmons. Phase two, in the fall we sprayed the entire field with glyphosate to kill the fescue. We then let the field grow up with natural vegetation (early successional habitat). The plan was to cut the field in half and burn a half every 2-3 years.

2. Have about 8 acres that are mature hardwoods. This area of the forest was complete full canopy (no sunlight getting to the ground). The plan was to cut about 10% of the trees to get some sunlight to the ground. Look at the response of new growth after a couple of years and then plan a second cut. The plan is to make sure we have oak regeneration. We cut the 10% (mainly white oak) and have waited.

3. We cut some other trees around other parts of the property, sprayed for some invasive species, etc.

Overall experience was very good. I was improving my property, learning a bunch of stuff that I didn't know (I was completely new to habitat work), and getting cost share to help pay for it.


1. I don't live at this property; it's about 25 minutes away. At the time of the project I was driving an hour to and from work, had a one year old, and life was just really busy. I wasn't able to put in the time and work to really make it a success.

2. I didn't get the loading decks planted and there are still brush piles on them.

3. I ordered my seedlings late in the season, so the best varieties were gone. I didn't get them out soon enough so I didn't have good success with them. I didn't stake them or use any type of tree tube, so most were either eaten or smothered with surrounding growth.

4. The NRCS agents I've worked with have changed about 2 or 3 times, so it was hard to stay consistent with my planning. We couldn't get schedules worked out or weather to cooperate for burning the field until this past spring. By this spring the growth in the field was almost past the stage where fire would set it back. So I had to bushhog one side of the field to start over and will probably do the other side this year.

5. I didn't stay on top of killing off invasive species.

Things I would do different (am doing different) and updates as of today:

1. This year I had a Forest Management Plan written. (NRCS cost shares on this) I had a forest management plan written several years ago by the TN Dept. of Forestry but it is very minimal. This year I had a private individual (who was recommended by NRCS) write my plan. It is very detailed and will be my guide as I continue to make habitat improvements.

2. Because of this plan I can enroll in the NRCS cost share programs again. I am in the process of doing this now.

3. I will be working with an individual (owns his own company specializing in this type of work and habitat plans) to help me implement my forest management plan. I'm planning on using my cost share to help offset this cost. I feel that by working with someone who is trained and seasoned in this type of work, the work will go fast, more efficiently, and I will learn more than just trudging through it myself.

4. Try your best to eliminate invasive species every chance you get.

5. Order seedlings early to get the best selection and put a tree tube on everything you plant.

I could go on and on. I'm happy to provide contact information for the individuals I've worked with in a PM, as long as that's not against the rules of the forum.
I really enjoy habitat work, but it can be super frustrating as well. It's very easy to get overwhelmed. I've learned so much but at the same time feel like I don't know anything at all. I have had great experiences working with NRCS staff.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
EastTn270.....thanks for the reply....this is the exact type information I hoped to learn. Appreciate you taking the time to provide this level of detail. Just as an encouragement to you....we did have a Forest Management Plan written working with a local Forester and applied for the NRCS cost share under his was a long process for us....alot of paperwork and phone calls but we we're finally approved.
The portion we qualified for shared cost of hack-n-squirt less desirable trees....also some cost share on clean up of "wildlife openings" far I'm really enjoying the process but can understand the frustrations as well. TNdeer has connected me with tons of information and helpful people such as yourself.....thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
EastTN270.....I hadn't got the nerve up to burn yet....but hope too....I know the benefits are tremendous.....I do rotate bush hogging different strips..... planting trees is something else I'm just starting and there are some fine folk on TNdeer that have been very helpful getting me started on the right foot......thanks again for your input.

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