Well-Known Member
Just came back from what was supposed to be a three day hunt but couldn't stand any more punishment! My group hunted the southern half and was sadly disappointed. We hunted a private club a couple weeks back just as the thaw came and before the big rain so we decided to go by and check our pool for the upcoming hunt. I would have bet anyone we were about to experience the most epic hunt ever because the sheer numbers of ducks and geese using those pools .It was staggering to say the least. This was on a non hunting day, but mid day when you would have expected them to have been safely back to one of the refuges. Thousands were in and flying around. Fast forward to Thursday pre hunt and they were gone! We hunted these first two days and killed 3 ducks. Hardly any shooting in the bottoms and very few flybys! I hope anyone hunting there the rest of the season sees some return but right now it's dead! This is what duck hunting is now Here today gone tomorrow. Had a great time, food and water there looks great bit very few ducks in the area right now!