Post your most memorable, or special deer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
Just North of Chatt-town
Just an offshoot of the "Post your biggest Deer" thread, but sometimes, the biggest, is just not the most special. I posted my biggest on the aforementioned thread, but here's what I consider my most special deer. My Thanksgiving Day buck, taken in 2010 on Thanksgiving Day...with my late Dad's ol Mod 742 Rem Woodsmaster 30-06, with a fixed 4x Redfield scope. My Grandmother had also passed away earlier that year, so, hunting on my land, which was in the family for generations, this was a very special hunt.

Post your most memorable or special hunt pics, and a description of why or how. :)

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Baxter, Tennessee
You beat met to it MUP. I was gonna post the same. :)

The most special deer is probably my first as it is the only deer that I killed with my Dad by my side. I don't have any pictures on here. It was a small five point that I gut shot but learned how to blood trail on my first deer at 11 years old. I have a great relationship with my Dad, and he gets to hear every deer story whether he likes it or not :) , but deer hunting is just not something that he has the patience for. I also killed the deer with the 30-30 that he had saved to buy me the Christmas before.

That deer would have been in 1992. Fast forward to 2009 which brings me to my most memorial deer which sort of links to the first one. I had trail cam pictures of three 3.5+ year old bucks around my house that year prior to bow season. There was about a 105" eight point running with a small buck, and then about a 120" 10 point running with about a 135" 9 point. They were hitting the salt hard prior to bow season, and the eight point was like clock work every day. I was off work the first week of bow season and just knew that he was dead at the least. I had saw him in the field two or three times in the summer as well. The two bigger deer were pretty nocturnal even in the summer time.

I decided that I wouldn't put a whole lot of pressure on them during bow season and wait to get super serious on them during the rut. I still bow hunted strategic places. Two weeks prior to bow season, the 8 point range shifted and was gone. I never saw them during bow season but had night time pics of the two big ones. I spent a lot of time trying to kill those three deer during the rut with no luck. I passed small buck after small buck and gave up hunting in some of my other prime locations trying to especially kill the 9 point that may have pushed 140".

I had also brought my old 30-30 mentioned above out of retirement a few years prior wanting to kill a good buck with it. I had killed numerous smaller bucks and does with it when I was younger and some does with it recently but no big bucks. 2009 didn't look like the season that I would do it. It appeared that 2009 would be the season that I would go buckless for the first time in many, many years. These three deer were basically my season wreckers.

I had given up on these deer, hunted other places, etc. when all of the sudden the 8 point showed back up at the salt around Christmas. He was worn down from rutting, not sure where as I never saw him during the rut, but gave me some hope. I sat on some cold mornings and evening with no luck.

There was snow on the ground on the last day of season. I hunted that morning til about 11 and decided that was it. I was done for the year. I remember standing up and looking at across the woods and saying "Oh boys, you have done well and kicked my rear end this year. See you next year." For whatever reason, I decided to pull my trail cam card on the way out. I looked at it and had a pic of a new, smaller 8 point the from eve before. Just my luck, I had went somehwere else the eve before and killed a doe. I told my wife that I was going to give it one last chance that evening and close the season out where I started.

I decided that afternoon that I was going to take the 30-30. It was cold, but the sun was shining and the snow was starting to melt. About 15-20 mins before dark, I heard that oh so familair sound of foot steps approaching. I could tell that it was one deer by itself and was at that "buck gate." As my heart raced, could it be?? Was it really gonna story book script like that??? Then it stopped right out of sight, and stood there, and stood there. I was then thinking, did I really hear a deer?, did it smell me?, no the wind is in my face. Maybe I am crazy. It stood there for at least 5 mins. I strained to hear something, but I all could hear was the blood pumping through my body as it was one of those cold clear evenings that was absolutely silent in the woodsl. Then it took another step, then another, and then another. I then saw it and instantly saw horns. It was about 50 yards and closing. I shouldered the ol 30-30 and let her eat. He went about 50 yards and piled up in the creek. I was so excited that I had finally killed a good buck that year at the last minute with my 30-30. I couuldn't have scripted it better. I forgot to unhook my safety harness I was so excited as I got out of the tree.

I thought when I shot it that it was the smaller 8. When I got to it, I knew that it was not him, but the eight point that was one of the three that I had been after all year. I had a ton of emotions flowing at that minute as I looked at that deer, hunted him all year, killed at the last minute, kiled with my 30-30, etc, etc. I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreamin. I called Dad who came over to help me get him out.

As I was taking pictures of it, the next afternoon, I realized that out of all of the big deer that I had killed over the past several years that I had never had a picture of me and Dad with a deer. That changed on that one as I got a pic of him, me, and my son wearing a pair of coveralls that I wore when I was his age.

Sorry for the long winded post. That deer means a lot considering the circumstances and to kill it on my own land. He is not the biggest deer by no means that I have killed but means a lot.

On a side note, it is amazing how much weight a deer will lose during the rut. He was a 130 - 140 lb deer early season but only weight 100 lbs field dressed.



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
Chester County
I don't have a pic to post but it would definitly be my first, a little yearling doe that I killed within sight of my house when I was 13. Not only cause it was my first ever deer but because it was the only deer that my dad helped me retrieve and clean it. He passed away from cancer the next year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
Just North of Chatt-town
easy45 said:
I don't have a pic to post but it would definitly be my first, a little yearling doe that I killed within sight of my house when I was 13. Not only cause it was my first ever deer but because it was the only deer that my dad helped me retrieve and clean it. He passed away from cancer the next year.

I'd bet many a story on this thread will involve folks' Dad. :)

Bayou Buck

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2009
Franklin, TN
Here are two that are pretty special to me because they were the first deer taken off my own farm the year I purchased it. My dad was with me for the first kill as well so that made it even better.

Here is the first deer I killed off my farm.

And here is the first buck killed on my farm and my best at the time 4 years ago.



Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
I don't have pictures of the little guy but my most memorable was a little spike I killed with my dad. I still have his 15 inches of antlers laying around somewhere. It was my first buck and my shot shot dropped him so I was excited of course, got down from my tree stand and look back up and he was standing back up eating. So or course I put another one in him and that finishes him off. Well the old man had to give me crap about not putting him down with one shot and I beleive at the time I put the blame on the bullets , haha. But I can count maybe 10 times that we have went hunting together. He isn't as crazy about it as I am but stories like easy45's make me want to put him on a deer or two like he did for me when I was a kid.

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Baxter, Tennessee
MUP said:
Great story TL! And nice buck, not too small in my book!

Nothing wrong with yours either. He is a shooter in my book. He just didn't make the top three on my other thread but definitely more memorable considering all of the circumstances.

I remember your story when you killed that deer. That was pretty awesome to do that.

Shed Hunter

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
Henderson County

The piebald is my #1. Not just because its a piebald.. it represents the funnest weekend of hunting I've ever had. And it was nice and tender :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
Mine was my first buck - it came out chasing a doe at close to last light and I was able to stop him at 25 yards , I was hunting with a cva wolf side hammer which the previous day I had shot 5 times and didn't bother cleaning. Well needless to say all I heard when I pulled the trigger was SNAP!! Misfire, the buck took off after the doe again and I thought I had blew it, but in about 5 minutes he reemerged across the field by himself. I grabbed my grunt call and blew it as loud as I could, he threw his head up and I hit him again, this time he come a running. I was 10 feet in a white pine and I stopped him at 5 steps from the tree, I pulled the trigger again and this time I didn't even get a SNAP!! The hammer only fell about halfway, so I carefully pulled it back and tried again. Third times a charm. He made it about 50 yards and I pretty much jumped out of the tree i was so excited. Couldn't wait to get home to tell my dad, I was still out of breath when I told him, He jumped right up from supper and came to help me. It had 5 on 1 side and was broke off on the other. I will never forget that day, and I will never forget to clean my muzzleloader either, My heart can't take anymore of that


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
buckbusta717 said:
buckbusta717 said:




Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
buckbusta717 said:
killed this deer in 2011 on my birthday and to beat it all it was a female with antlers but the crazy points toped it off for me.. it had 8inch mass a the base and had 14 score able points scored 148....

B&C chaser

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
Coffee County, Tennessee
My first deer back in 1987 taken with my dad by my side with a 410 pump in what is now Bark Camp Barrens which we always affectionately called " the swamp ".

My sons first deer when he was 6 then his first buck at 6 both with a 223

And last and probably favorite is this buck my dad shot back in 2009. He had been sick for several months and we eventually found out it was stomach cancer. He felt terrible and could barely get around at all so I set up a ground blind on the edge of a cornfield that was a short walk or could actually drive to. He shot this buck early the first morning then I had to get him back home because he was so sick. He knew his time was short and just wanted for us to hunt together one last time like we had all of my life. This turned out to be our last hunt together as he passed 6 weeks later. He was and is still the biggest influence in my life and I still miss him everyday. There's nothing I wouldn't give for just one more day together doing anything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012

14 point Stewart County.
He was slick and had avoided me all season just out of range.
Even missed him twice and thought I would never see him again.
Moved in on his territory after a 2 week break then one foggy morning I set up my climber and he walked right to me. He was looking at the other stand I was normally in.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Franklin TN
I haven't been hunting long, so I guess these are my 2 most memorable

1 - First deer, gun opener 2011

2 - First deer with a bow, Oct 5 2012



Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
Milan, TN

Mine was my very first deer and my wife was with me for it back in 2009. I was hunting on a Marine base in NC using my buddies 870 with slugs. I was woefully unprepared having never been taught how to hunt. My wife and I were walking down this long dirt road with a strip of brush on either side. We were headed towards the end of the road to get to a field that I had always seen deer in. As we rounded the strip of woods on the side of the road where it ended, I saw a few does that were feeding in the filed about 100 yds away. We both crouch low and try to make our way to them but we got busted and off they ran. About 10 yards from me, a 7 point bursts out of the strip of woods we just walked past and runs directly away from us. I then aimed for the back of his head as he was about 15 yds off and I fired. All of a sudden the buck just did a front flip and dropped. The slug tore through his spine and required me to finish him off when I got up to him. As I was dragging him out, I lost my keys and had to hike a few miles so a buddy could take us to our house to get a spare key and then back. None of it really went as it shouldve but it was my first and my wife was with me for it. I now have a bit more knowledge and tact and am working on getting my wife her first deer. That one will probably take the top spot as my most memorable when it happens.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
Mine would , as stated in the biggest deer post, be my non typ taken in 2009. I had deer hunted in Tn. for over 35 yrs., and dreamed of taking one really above average buck. I got this deer on a trail cam a couple weeks before I took him. When I got him on trail cam, He had a five foot sapling hung in his rack, and was looking right into the camara. I nicknamed him Treetop, because of the sapling hung in his rack. I knew he was special, but had no idea just how special until I walked up to him. I checked my cam on a Sat., and had his pic. I had never seen this deer before. I decided to hunt him the very next day, and hunted a hugh bedding area. I sit in a climber from daylite till almost dark, and he stood up in front of me at about 90 yds., having been bedded in front of me all day. He grossed in the 180s, and netted in the mid 170s. I have hunted all the big deer states, and finally done it right here at home. A dream come true.


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