Best sight in the turkey woods IMO. As much as I love seeing a strutting long beard approach in the spring, I want to see summer poults more. It is the future of the sport. Great pic, thanks for sharing.
Hatch appears to have been ok at my farm. All the birds to the right are young of the year. Crappy cell cam pic but you get the idea…did ok with the warm dry weather.
Saw a hen with poults last Friday. They were about the size of our chicken layer hens...didnt get a count as they quickly went into the tall weeds following mama...very nice to see the fawns and poults while working on the property....great return on investment.
This was at a reclaimed log deck cleaned up last week. Drilled beans 5 days ago. Rained ALOT, sprouted, and I'm sure they're feasting on what beans floated up and didn't sprout. Plus worms and such.