My Next Euro


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
Clarksville, TN
Went out to my place early yesterday, expecting to get some sleep before getting in some time in the stand in the morning. But apparently it was not to be, my alarm was going off indicating the power was too low, and I am running two batteries. So was forced to run the generator, recall I have 7.2 acres, so figured if any deer had bedded down, they would move out. Then I went inside, and even though I was there earlier this week, and cleaned up a bit (and charged the batteries), I was invaded by the dang asians, beetles that is. Buggers were everywhere, so spent some time sweeping them up since I didn't bring my vacuum. So after a couple hours, I shut down the generator, which put mea bit over 11 volts. I didn't want to risk it so had warmed the place with one of the burners, which let me test the stove fan I ordered for my Portable Buddy heater, works decently, but shut if off when I went to bed. It was one chilly night, and a cold wake up in the morning, made my coffee, broke the pour over filter getting grounds in my coffee, figures. So not expecting much I got into my stand, and there again were the asians. Couldn't walk without crunching a few, so began sweeping them up, and before I was done, I heard a shot from my new neighbor's area, followed by another. So opened up my windows and threw on my muffs and turned them on. In about a minute I began hearing some leaves crunching and out comes a cool red fox, which apparently heard the leaves too because he turned right around and went after something. I then hear two more shots, same side. I was about to continue cleaning up the beetles, when this guy showed up, headed straight up the hill, figured I would ask him to come home with me. I guess he either hadn't heard all the commotion, or was dead set on following this path. So here is my next DIY euro.


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