Do you guys typically have luck getting a bird to gobble on roost in the eve. I always hear of people roosting birds but I can try to get one to fire off before dark and nada. Then at daylight boom they gobbling on roost.
I've had evenings they roost easy and some not so easy. Typify time is against me for afternoon roosts. So I get in the general area and hope for the best in the morning.
It's fun on Western White tip birdies.
You can get them to gobble at 10pm with a coyote howl…however, the dang things fly from one mountain top to the other, so it doesn't really matter.
Use to do it in my younger days when I was more motivated. When I was able to roost one, it sure made the next morning easier & lots of anticipation the night before. Probably killed 25% of time. No need to do it at my place now as I know where they all roost
I've roosted birds twice in my life. Once from a vehicle just sitting in the field watching them a good distance away and watched them fly up. Another time last year hunting the afternoon and didn't want to get too aggressive and spook anything so just sat back hoping one would walk by. I watched them fly up and gave the "roost" gobble and went back and killed him the next morning.
Kinda fortunate because I can set on my front porch and listen in TN about the time they go to roost and can hear them. Or walk out back on the Ky side and listen.
A lot of times I know the general area and get in there super early and get situated.