Dove decoys?

Mojo doves for me also. I bought a couple off a member here before last year and we had our best hunts ever after setting them out.
The three posts above are dead on. The simple, unwritten rule of not shooting low birds doesn't always work. I've got a #9 shot in my shoulder from some idgits that didn't get the memo.
Both work in my experience. The silhouette's especially on a power line. Last year had quite a few groups come in cupped up like mallards to the mojos. It's a thing of beauty when things work right.
Have built a power line for 3-4 years the day of the hunt and have had doves land on it, that said I really didn't see a big increase of birds swinging to my robo dove and decoys to make all the work worth it. probably a lot of stuff influences the setup but stopped a few years back. A natural flyway will stay the same year after year, terrain ect stays the same and birds will enter and exit fields the same route year after year, ymmv. have had great shoots in hay fields on a pathway to corn fields miles away.
LOL back in the day, before mojo's, my buddy and I bought a 6 pack of the foam decoys that had a clothes pin on the bottom of them.
We hung them on the branches of an oak tree where we hunted.
We did it the evening before opening day.
Got there the next morning and something had shredded 2 of them.
Only thing we could think of was an owl.
Pretty funny.
As kids we'd cut silhouettes out of cardboard and use a clothespin to fasten to a wire fence. They worked well enough.
I'd imagine they aren't much use at a public field because there is so much shooting going on that you have little chance of a bird actually attempting to land near them.

Plus the risk of it working and some moron shooting a low flying bird in your direction.
If you are hunting in a field with clean ground and there are not many hunters then the full body or silhouettes work good. We put up a powerline across our field and would place decoys on it and the doves would land or attempt to land beside them. Mojo dove decoys work great as well in a field where nobody is across from you.

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