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Deer harvest, what % unreported?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2022
Ten Mile
Curious how many go unreported as a %? On public land, I'd guess a very small amount. Private land I would guess a significant percentage are un-reported, but really no idea and don't know of any way it could ever be verified.
I would think if someone is hunting private land on a lease or by permission they would report it more often and on public land as well. Landowners shooting a doe and hanging it their barn probably less often. Someone shooting it from the road or at night, well I think we all know that answer.
Pretty low percentage go unchecked I would think,2 percent I would think would be a stretch.Most hunters I know are pretty honest.Tag before you drag,you are supposed to tag as soon as you get to deer either on your phone or place the paper tag on deer.Taking a great risk on not checking in a deer
I bet the amount harvested and unreported pales in comparison to the amount unrecovered.
You're right! I find so many dead deer on public that I know were hit by a lazy hunter who didn't find them.

I'd say the only thing keeping people a little more honest might be that to drop off at a processor you need a TWRA check in number. I process my own, and it's definitely a lot of work. Hardly any of the other hunters I know are willing to do it.

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