when a farm is in CRP, is it ok to plant food plots, 174 ac. and im wanting to plant about 30 ac. in food plots. does anyone know if this is against the "rules" ?
i couldnt find any specific word in that to answer my question but i will read it again thank you!I'm certain there must be an updated version of the below but might start here.
Thank You!!The landowner will need to talk to local Farm Service Office (FSA).
It depends on the cover type enrolled into rental agreement with FSA.
Certain CRP practice allow food plots and some do not. When plots are allowed, typically up to 10% of acres enrolled can be food plots.
It is possible to modify crp contracts to add food plots after agreement has been signed. But only in certain cases. Better to work with your landowner to get food plots into agreement when signed.
If I can help, let me know. I work alot with crp contacts.Thank You!!