Food Plots CRP ground

The landowner will need to talk to local Farm Service Office (FSA).
It depends on the cover type enrolled into rental agreement with FSA.
Certain CRP practice allow food plots and some do not. When plots are allowed, typically up to 10% of acres enrolled can be food plots.
It is possible to modify crp contracts to add food plots after agreement has been signed. But only in certain cases. Better to work with your landowner to get food plots into agreement when signed.
The landowner will need to talk to local Farm Service Office (FSA).
It depends on the cover type enrolled into rental agreement with FSA.
Certain CRP practice allow food plots and some do not. When plots are allowed, typically up to 10% of acres enrolled can be food plots.
It is possible to modify crp contracts to add food plots after agreement has been signed. But only in certain cases. Better to work with your landowner to get food plots into agreement when signed.
Thank You!!
Pretty much what nwsg76 said so not anything I can add. The only thing I will say from my experience is that the one I was looking at in KY back in 2014 I was going to have the option to take a certain amount of acres out of the contract had I went through with it. They had me down at 21 acres total and I was going to keep 3 acres out for food plots.
So when I seen this thread Sunday night it made me finally decide to call on Monday and see about getting mine put in CRP. So far the process has been easy. They have 11.43 acres of crop history and I told them to make it an even 10 acres for CRP that way I had some room for a food plot, etc in my back field. $178/acre is what it's going to pay. Apparently the county I'm in didn't have a waiting list and am able to get right in. When I bought the house and property in 2021 it was being farmed and I felt like they lowballed me big time at $100/acre where I know people are getting $150-$200/acre around here. It wasn't worth it to me to only be able to drive on my own property 2 or 3 months out of the year and the rest of the time in crops where I couldn't do anything.
You likely qualified under continous signup for lands considered high priority. If get an extra 50% in cost share and extra bonus rental payments. Work with a farm bill biologist to ensure you get good cover for wildlife that has food and cover both. Many offices will guide you to the simplest cover rather than a cover type that will help more wildlife unless you ask.
Don't forget to ask for cp12...thats the code for food plots that get rental payments included. The payment is based on soil types and not set in TN. So they didn't low ball you. If you qualified under continuous sign up, you can get up a 40% increase in your annual rental payment.

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