Birds for Live Trap


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2018
I am using a live trap a professional trapper and trap maker is loaning me to take care of two problem coyotes at my parents place that have gotten after their dog. I can't use my normal leg holds because I'm worried the family dog would get caught in there and be sitting bait for the coyotes. The trap I will be using has a small cage in the middle where you put live birds as bait. I am looking for someone that sells live birds. I hear pigeons work great and white pigeons work even better. Anyone got a line on live birds? Otherwise I'm just going to be stuck going to TSC and getting some chicks.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2018
I would never try by myself, but I have a pro helping me. This trap was designed and built by Kurt Dekalb. Check him out if you haven't heard of him. His son is a good friend of mine. They have had a lot of success with this trap over many years.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2018
I had this setup with chicks from TSC for about a month. I caught a hawk and possum, no coyote. Here is the crazy thing. Some guy stole one of the chicks. I have video of this guy walking up to the trap about 7:30 at night and taking one of five chicks. The guy looked to be about 50 years old. Why would someone take one? This is the strangest thing I have seen in a while.

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