Best deer hunting story...


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
Huntsville, AL
The thread about hunting lies got me thinking about your best hunting stories. So, let's hear em.

Here is mine...

A couple of years ago I was hunting in Illinois with a camerman named Jaws. Jaws was 6' 5" and about 280lbs. He had a tough time getting into a tree, but was really good with a camera. We were hunting one evening and got down right at dark. We walked to the truck, loaded all our stuff up and headed back to the lodge about 20 miles away.

On the way back, we come across a hitch-hiker. Jaws asks me if I want to pick him up and I said that I didn't care, it was up to him. Jaws says, "Lets just pick him up and mess with him a little". So we pull over. Jaws has a big dually dodge pick up truck with a crew cab. The hitch-hiker has a bag with him that appears very heavy and he swings it in before jumping in the back seat. Jaws and I kinda look at each other when he swung that bag in, but shrugged it off.

Jaws puts the ole dodge in drive and starts back down the road. We are in the middle of nowhere and about 15 miles from town. The hitch-hiker is the complaining mouthy type, mainly complaining about the government and how he has been screwed over his whole life by everyone and one day will get even. I try to lighten the mood and start a little small talk about hunting and football. That doesn't go very far, so I asked him "So, what you got in the bag?" He screams "NONE OF YOUR EFFIN BUSINESS!" I look at Jaws and he looks at me. Jaws looks in the rear view mirror and says to the hitch-hiker, "Seriously man, what's in the bag?" The hitch-hiker screams "NONE OF YOUR EFFIN BUSINESS!" Jaws slams on the brakes and pulls off the side of the road dust flying everywhere from the gravel road. He turns around and looks the guy dead in the eye and says "Look, you either tell us whats in that bag or you get the hell out of my truck!" The hitch-hiker says "No problem! I was looking for a ride when yall came along and I'm sure I can find another one!"

Now, keep in mind, the hitch hiker is in the back seat on the passenger side, behind me. His bag is in the back seat behind Jaws. The hitch-hiker gets out on my side and starts to walk around to the other side to get his bag from Jaws' side when Jaws pulls off and leaves him on the side of the road without his bag in the middle of nowhere! Friggin hilarious!


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
My mom use to tell me that same story, details were different, family names were used, but the point remained the same. Hope you got a kick out of that CAW