Another one bites the dust


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
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Found one today. Only band l seen out of
thousands. Most geese left in Arkansas are way north. Many leaving in this hard south wind .
Nope. Benelli. I've killed alot of geese in Arkansas, Missouri with bands. Full gillie suit, hat, mask, gloves. Good bios. I had em most all day on a big ditch, looked at thousands walking by, just no bands. It's a tough hunt, but fun if you can get on em. NEVER shot a rifle at them. No sport in that, plus very dangerous.
You creep a ditch and then just sit there looking for a band? That's pretty dang cool. Nothing like laying in a ditch next to 30k geese. Can't imagine just sitting there for hours on end looking for a needle in a haystack.
Nope. Benelli. I've killed alot of geese in Arkansas, Missouri with bands. Full gillie suit, hat, mask, gloves. Good bios. I had em most all day on a big ditch, looked at thousands walking by, just no bands. It's a tough hunt, but fun if you can get on em. NEVER shot a rifle at them. No sport in that, plus very dangerous.
I know. I was just poking fun. Those guys with rifles do scare me though. Congratulations on the hunt. I have wanted to chase those things in the spring but I always have to go back to work after duck season.
I know. I was just poking fun. Those guys with rifles do scare me though. Congratulations on the hunt. I have wanted to chase those things in the spring but I always have to go back to work after duck season.
Years ago, l was in a ditch on a bunch of geese, probably about 300 yds off the county rd. There was a small farmhouse, all of a sudden l hear a rifle, bullet whizzed. By, l hollered. Dive in ditch. Guy shot at em sev times. Then one sunday evening l was in a ditch near a gravel road, heard a car approaching slowly. It got even with me, l glanced around at them, a rifle came out of the window. I yelled, they took off. Really gotta watch out. That's the very reason they quit putting colored neck bands on them was rifle hunters. I'm wanting a tracker, but looked at thousands this year, no luck.
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