Well...it's about time...

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
McMinn County
I finally got me a cannister shot after watching numerous folks dig them out of one site. I took Nimrod there a couple months ago and he dug one. I took some folks there Saturday too. We got a fella's daughter her first bullets, and one of the guys got a cannister ball. I wanted one so bad...and was finally able to get one. The grass there is ready to be mowed for hay, and it was REALLY hard hunting. We were forced to hunt little spots. But now I know what cannister sounds like on my detector so when they mow I'm going back for more.


Everyone's finds for the day...a few bullets, cannister balls, misc cavalry stuff that came out of a small camp I found.


I took my wife last weekend to a little spot I found and she got her first two buttons.


And had a bust trip to Virginia. We hunted what was suppose to be a big camp near Fredericksburg. 250 relic hunters. 600 acres. Three days hunting. And I think maybe 30 people found a bullet or more. I didn't find anything but a buckshot ball. 9 hr drive one way, $200 entry fee for the hunt, plus gas cost and motel expense and eats. And one stupid bucky ball. We came home and hit a spot 10 minutes from the house and that's where Carrie got her 2 buttons.


Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
McMinn County
You ain't kiddin' about being let down about the hunt. The relic hunts are a bit different than deer hunting. In this stuff, you expect the person putting on the hunts to have the right site found. I mean you can't go expecting to find a whole museum worth of relics, but you do expect to find some of the more common relics and to have a shot at something really great. If I wanted to just go dig a few shot bullets and chance finding an eagle button, I can drive 10 minutes from the house here and do that.

But when you pay a person $200 for an out of state hunt. You expect to be in the right place. And there were a lot of mad people at this hunt. They talked the site up really big. Suppose to have been 15,000 cavalry troops camped there, suppose to have been 2 or 3 infantry brigades that were winter camped there. YEAH RIGHT!! I have literally found more stuff in small picket posts and over night camps than we all found up there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2000
Crow, hate to hear that. My dad lives in Spotsylvania and he has been digging since the early 70's. I can tell you there are no spots around Fredericksburg that have not been hunted hard by alot of people. He has some spots that he still hits from time to time but most of hist time is spent in South Carolina on islands around Charleston.

Hope the next trip goes better.


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