Well it happens....

Bone Collector

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2009
Murfreesboro, TN
didn't want to hiack Catmans thread, but ironically i have the same question. I went out this AM and to the smokepole with me. checked it last night and it was loaded. got to the stand this morning and at 6:15 i am looking where i shot my opening morning 8 kinda reminiscing and i see movement in the tree line in the same spot he was headed when i shot him, only this deer is coming out into the powerline break. i immediately see antlers and then realize it is a nice 8 at least. I put my scope on hime and see he is outside his ears and pretty tall, but couldn't get an exact point count as he turned away and started easing down the powerline break giving me a quartering away shot. i put the scope where i wanted it and pulled the trigger only to hear what sounded like a black cat fire cracker followed by a audible pop. I knew immediatel the powder didn't ignite well. the smoke cleared and the buck was gone. i took out the breach plug and checked it and it was clear, so i reloaded.

At 7:10 i had a nice, but young 8 pt come through with a unique rack. long tines that curled in towards the top of his head. I think they actually crossed back over each other at the top. i had him at 15 yds, but passed him. He was in the woods and the woods at my place are thick, but i coulda snuck one in there. he was just walking in a straight line not paying attention to anything around him.

I went down to the other end of the powerline break thinking i may hunt down there tonight, but couldn't find a climbing tree, so i am thinking i will just sit in that stand again.

Do you think it will be a problem?

seems most the deer are crossing down by the stand i was in this morning at least the bucks are. Wind is the same just a little harder this PM.

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