Too Soon?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Giles Co
I planted my first food plots this past weekend on the land I purchased in November in Hardin county. Well, I got back from business travel yesterday and there were snow flurries. Will this mess up the seed I put down? I made sure it had good contact with the soil; it has been down for 7 days with a good rain earlier in the week. This was on ridge tops using Whitetail Institute No Plow.

I put out a few fruit trees as well, but they were still dormant so I think they will be ok.

Any thoughts? Should I be ok or did is plant to soon and waste my money?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Giles Co
Thanks for getting back with me I am pretty clueless on this. I should get back out there next weekend to check the fruit trees. It appears roughly 25% is a clover. Here is the contents:
Gulf Annual Ryegrass 24.91%,
Dwarf essex Rapeseed 19.85 %,
Alex Berseem Clover 10.33%,
YucchiArrowleaf Clover 8.42%,
Dixie Crimson Clover 7.57%,
Sterling Rapeseed 5.91%,
Daikon Radish 4.89%,
1.42 Paris White Cos Romaine Lettuce,
Other Crop seed .20%,
Inert matter 16.40% includes coating material 15.83%,
0.10% weed seed