Synthetic doe estrus?


New Member
Sep 23, 2023
Has anyone else tried synthetic doe estrus? Last year my brother found a new brand of synthetic doe estrus and tried it during the rut. He put the estrus scent on a scent wick and after about 30 minutes a good size buck came in to the wick. I've always been skeptical about synthetic scents, but I'm going to give it a try this season. Anyone else had any luck with synthetic scents?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
Get you some tarsal glands from friends or maybe a processor
I tried this one year...nasty tarsal glands...make your eyes water stink...had them in a zip lock bag and opened bag and laid them at base of tree...2½ year old 8pt walking up logging road near my tree slammed on the brakes and turned and walked directly to base of my tree smelling everything....i was amazed....then 45 minutes later....this stray mut dog that was trotting down logging road also stopped....went straight to base of tree and ate my freaking tarsal glands!!...shew, that freaking dog must have been starving....nasty.

30-06 type of guy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2012
Columbia/hardin co
I tried this one year...nasty tarsal glands...make your eyes water stink...had them in a zip lock bag and opened bag and laid them at base of tree...2½ year old 8pt walking up logging road near my tree slammed on the brakes and turned and walked directly to base of my tree smelling everything....i was amazed....then 45 minutes later....this stray mut dog that was trotting down logging road also stopped....went straight to base of tree and ate my freaking tarsal glands!!...shew, that freaking dog must have been starving....nasty.
I been using them the last 3 years. The first or second time I used them had a buck come under me soon as I finished setting up. He stopped smelled around went and hit a scrape then back to bedding area. Ever since then I've always tried to remember to bring them with me. I hang on em limbs if I remember if not I'll hang em from my pull rope. One other thing, turn the heat on and throw em on your dash for your drive in. They'll be super ripe.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2009
McMinn Co.Tennessee U.S.
Used to have some scent that worked made by a guy that used to have a sporting business here but went out of business . Called it 68 1/2 . I had to cross a trail out on my property one year an old logging road . No other way to get to my stand and the buck had scrapes all up that old road bead . I used that stuff with a drag rag and about 30 minutes past sunup he he come right up that road with head up lip curling. Of course he didn't get what he was after just a 7mm mag slug . Can't get that stuff anymore but that stuff worked that day .

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