Union Co. Boy
Well-Known Member
His second season has started off on a great note! Bird gobbled nonstop from the limb about 150 yards over the hill to our left. He hit the ground and I threw a few soft calls at him and he gobbled at everything. Did very little calling. He hit the field over the lip where it dropped off and came at us from behind a cedar we couldn't see around. I heard him spit and we cocked the gun and hit the red dot. I saw the bird but he couldn't. He finally said he saw the fan. He waited until he strutted into the open and then I called softly to get his head up. He shot at 28 yards and the bird folded. Big shout out to Knightrider for the .410 we bought from him this week! It was such a blessed and exciting hunt with my boy. 10.5 beard, 23 lbs even, 13/16 spurs.