Setup recommendations for Juvenile hunt.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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My Son has finally become interested in Turkey hunting. We have 2 youth hunts planned RN.

I have some questions since I nearly always hunt by myself. I've heard of guys teaming up, where the shooter sets up some distance closer than the caller. How far ahead should I have him sit? If it doesn't work out, the Tom could come between us and end up behind the shooter, heading to the call.

I could see how this could work out very well. In case the bird tries to skirt the edge of the setup, and stay out of range.
I'm just looking for insight from those of you who have tried this before.

Thanks everybody!
My son started turkey hunting some when he was 7 and killed his first when he was 8. I have always set with him on a setup even after he's gotten older. We did it without a blind or decoys, not down playing those that use them but just our style. The first two years I carried a simple gun rest to help him hold the gun up. After that, he could hold it up himself. On his first one, I actually forgot the rest and had to improvise with a forked stick. I set up where the bird had to come over a rise and would be 30 yds when he was visible. I had him with the gun up pointed where the turkey should come, and it did.

Remember that legally on a youth hunt that you have to be within reach of the gun. Also, if he is not experienced turkey hunting, you need to be beside him giving play by play and making sure movement is minimal.

Good luck and have fun. We had a few close calls before his first one but was sure sweet to call one up running and gunning. He's 15 this year, bigger than me now, and killed a bunch of birds. However, I plan to be sitting on the same tree shoulder to shoulder when juvenile comes.
On the juvi hunt specifically, you're not allowed legally to "split up"

The idea behind it is one of two scenarios. The first is that the Tom will likely hang up some distance from where he thinks the hen is. The Ol' 90-10 rule from your first kiss, I'll come 90% of the way, you come the rest. If you know where the gobbler is and can set up 75-80 yards closer to the Tom than the caller, then theoretically if he holds up 75-100 yards from the "hen" he'll be right in your pocket.

The next scenario is if the caller can set up behind a visual barrier, he can move around while making calls. The idea being the Tom can tell exactly where the hen is making the call. If it sounds like she's moving 20-30 yards every time she calls it makes it seem more natural. Same goes for scratching the ground. If the Tom has to come up and over a rise to get to the hen, but the shooter can be at the crest, then the caller can move around freely without being seen by the Tom, all while having to pass by the shooter before laying eyes on his prize.

Keep in mind turkeys are very predictable, dumb, and this works 100% of the time 😉
My son is young, but is absolutely eat up with turkey hunting. He goes after them virtually everyday. He goes and grabs his shotgun and heads out anytime he heres one or sees one strutting. Life 360'helps us track him on the farm.
I remember those days minus the life 360, just me my gun, a call and an old Honda 4 wheeler. I'll never forget calling in my first turkey by myself at 12 years old and bringing him back to the shop to show my grandpa grinning from ear to ear. Good times
On the juvi legally you cant split up, i remember setting my boy between my legs and feeling him shake every time one came into view!!! The patience and woodsman ship that was taught to him and me thru turkey hunting starting from when i would carry him in the woods at 4yrs old all the way to watching him become a skilled and crafted straight up turkey killer is priceless to this old man!!! Now at 22 he still lets ole dad tag along when our schedules allow even though I know i slow him down is still just as priceless to me! Take a child hunting this spring and it will create a bond and start a fire like you never imagined! Teach em to hunt and you will never have to hunt for them!
TN Larry got it right.

One thing I'll add, which actually ends up being a good thing in my experience when it comes to guiding. Kids listen and do exactly as they're instructed. Adults think they know it all, don't half listen, and what lil'bit they might have heard they don't adhere to.

Kids are way better when it comes to actually closing the deal. I bet I've had 3x as many adults blow the moment of truth than kids.