Planted a Backyard Plot today!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
Chapel Hill, TN
I planted about 3/4 of an acre between my house and the river this afternoon! The plot contains
.5 acre bag of Tecomate Monster Mix(Forage Feast Chicory,Barblanca White Clover,Mammoth Red clover,Manna Berseem Clover,and Tripoli White Clover)
.5acre bag of Tecomate Max Attract mixture(Forerunner Triticale,Snake Peas,Magnus Peas,manna Berseem Clover,Madrid Yellow Blossom Sweet clover, Mammoth Red clover, Forage feast chicory)
5lbs of Ladino Clover
5lbs crimson clover
2lbs of white clover
6oz of Dwarf essex Rape
1/2lb seven top turnips
1/4lb purple top turnips
1oz Southern Giant Mustard

I disced, broadcast, and then disced again. Did I mess up by discing it in? Will the seeds be too deep? I hope not!

Gonna plant 200lbs of wheat and 50lbs of Austrian winter peas in a plot next to it tomorrow!

Food Plot 101

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
Goodlettsville,TN USA
The clover doesn't like it too deep. If the soil was real damp I bet you made a mess! You'll probably be ok. I'd go over it again in a couple of weeks with the clover if it doesn't come up. The peas should be fine.

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