Out of season Muzzleloading…


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2012
Reaction score
North of Al. & South of Ky.
It's not against the rules too shoot these guns when it's not deer season….is it?

16 gauge Smoothbore flintlock built by the late Mr Tip Curtis of Cross Plains Tn..
25 yards 70 grns ffg Goex & .010 patching & a .626 round ball…

No I haven't, only squirrels so far…
I haven't shot it at 50 yards on paper… yet !
But have taken several steel targets at 40-50 yards..👍

The 2 shots low and left were the first two fired, I haven't shot this gun since May and completely forgot my sight picture until after the second shot..


I had the gun loaded for a last minute attempt on a unsuspecting doe… that never presented itself..

After "flexing" the barrel between two trees , things are starting too line up.. 🤣 Front sight only on this one.

Now it's up too the nut behind the butt..& more powder , lead & time..😎👍
Nice . I have a TVM Fowler in 20 Gauge that is a smoothie but I have yet to put any balls down it to see if it prints. It patterns really good and have killed several squirrels with it. I want to turkey hunt with it sometime but I think it might be a little under powered for that. Would have to be really close and the right shot.
A lot of Guys are successful with 20 gauge on turkeys.

Mine does ok out too 25 yards with # 6 shot..
Here's a target that was shot with 65 grns ffg by volume & 2 - 65 grns by volume loads of # 6 shot,before I straightened the barrel..
The gun shot low & left at this time..

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No I haven't, only squirrels so far…
I haven't shot it at 50 yards on paper… yet !
But have taken several steel targets at 40-50 yards..👍

The 2 shots low and left were the first two fired, I haven't shot this gun since May and completely forgot my sight picture until after the second shot..

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I had the gun loaded for a last minute attempt on a unsuspecting doe… that never presented itself..

After "flexing" the barrel between two trees , things are starting too line up.. 🤣 Front sight only on this one.

Now it's up too the nut behind the butt..& more powder , lead & time..😎👍
Good shooting smo

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