Nutricrave corn


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2019
Had never heard of it until watching a Don Higgins Q&A. Anybody have any experience with it? Looks like it may be hard to get a hold of but boasts better attractiveness than soybeans.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Jan 30, 2019
Cookeville, TN Cadiz, KY and random other places
Everything I find is all the same claims by people trying to sell seed.
1st I want to see lab results from a reputable source not a marketing brochure
2nd as far as the minerals are concerned if they are not in the soil in an available form the plant cannot take them up so claiming this is much better than a nearby field means nothing! Corn needs a small amount of a few things and a lot of nitrogen, somebody had to put that there so again what are we comparing to?
Considering that a lot of nitrogen is required to grow higher protein corn , expect higher inputs to do better than the avg 6.6%.
25 years ago corn was producing 7 to 8% and has been falling slowly for years. Some varieties of high sugar content corns have achieved these numbers but most are gmo or have many other issues to consider. There is a world of reading on this that heads off into corn for oil, corn for sugar, corn for gluten and more but to do what they claim and be non-gmo is hard to believe ! I also didn't see any herbicide tolerance so nuke your ground before planting.
I'm landing on the side of marketing lingo can be very deceptive and wait for proof, cause on a side by side comparison corn is still corn
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