Morning hunt was awesome!


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2000
The rut is ON in Henry/Weakley county!

Had 2 does within 15 yards to my right at first light. Within a minute of them leaving, 2 more came from behind me.

10 minutes later 4 does passed by about 40 yards in front of me. I was hoping a buck would be following. Before I could even finish that thought a great buck came through. I had him in my crosshairs but he was gone in 5 seconds and I couldn't get a clean shot. He was the biggest I've ever seen while hunting (that isn't saying a lot but he was definitely a shooter).

10 minutes later 2 does came running back from the other direction and he was chasing them. I didn't even have time to raise my rifle.

Saw a few more doe over the next half hour. Around 7:30 a really nice doe came within 15 yards. I ALMOST shot but she was acting like something was behind her. I let her got and sure enough along came a buck. A measly little spike!

Lots of action... Call but no luck.

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