Looking for ideas to get started.


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Aug 8, 2023
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I'm looking to get into deer hunting but not sure where to start. Specifically - I'm looking for suggestions on where to find a place to hunt. Are there any public places that allow hunting or would it be primarily on private property?

Does anyone know of any sites/ apps where I can connect with people that allow hunting on their land? Also - Is there anything I should avoid?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

thank you in advance,
I would look into on-x as an app to help identify where to hunt. Also gives landowner information if want to try asking permission
If you're comfortable doing so how about giving a general bio of yourself. Are you new to hunting in general and/or new to the area? Knowing a little about your situation would help offering ideas on where/how to start.

This site is about as close to social media as I venture. Friendly folks on here for the most part, which most hunters usually are. But I know a lot of other hunters who connect with other hunters via FB & such so you might try there too.

As for hunting properties, there are lots of WMA's within relatively short distance of Nashville. TN does a pretty fine job of making hunting & fishing available to everyone. Lots of opportunity. For private grounds you'd probably have the best results by knocking on doors & asking for permission. That's how I do it. I get a lot of "no" but but I also get the occasional "yes". It's one of those situations where if you throw enough of crap on the wall, something will stick. Here's a link to the WMA map: https://www.tn.gov/twra/wildlife-management-areas.html
This is Awesome - Thanks everyone for the quick replies and info.

Thanks Buzzard Breath and yellalinehunter- these are great. I am on the TN website now and they look like they have some good stuff. I need to learn more about the on-x app.

for Ski - that's a good question - Id be happy to share my background.

I'm a prior Marine, so I'm comfortable shooting, but never hunting. The more I learn about hunting the more I resent not starting sooner.

I have always wanted to get into hunting, but never committed to setting aside time to make it happen. I also have a younger son and as he is growing up, I want to be able to teach him how this process works, and its a great way to spend time with him.

I am not big on FB either, but I will hop on there if you think it could help.

Thanks again for all your support.

I'm a prior Marine, so I'm comfortable shooting, but never hunting. The more I learn about hunting the more I resent not starting sooner.

I have always wanted to get into hunting, but never committed to setting aside time to make it happen. I also have a younger son and as he is growing up, I want to be able to teach him how this process works, and its a great way to spend time with him.

Thank you for your service. Marine Red Dog heli unit saved my butt in FOB Salerno, in more ways than one. Great group of guys to work with.

Hunting is awesome. It's what we're built to do, and it's a great way to source clean meat. First step will be getting Hunter Safety card and then a hunting license. Buzzard Breath's link will help you get that going. Then you'll need to find some spots you want to try hunting, assuming you've got the appropriate weapon for the season. If rifle hunting there are an array of calibers that work well for deer. The hunter safety course will probably cover the basics.

You also might check out some veterans programs for hunts. My sister in Ohio works for the VA and heads up a lot of the veteran benefit hunts & stuff. I'm not that familiar with any of the details, just aware that it's a thing. I'm sure TN has similar programs. If you're connected with the VA or other veteran groups in any capacity it might be something worth asking about.

As for social media, if you're not doing it now then no need to start. I'd say pretty much any questions you'd have beyond the TWRA website could be answered on here if you asked. Folks are generally quite friendly & helpful as most hunters usually are. Otherwise, welcome to the campfire!
This is Awesome - Thanks everyone for the quick replies and info.

Thanks Buzzard Breath and yellalinehunter- these are great. I am on the TN website now and they look like they have some good stuff. I need to learn more about the on-x app.

for Ski - that's a good question - Id be happy to share my background.

I'm a prior Marine, so I'm comfortable shooting, but never hunting. The more I learn about hunting the more I resent not starting sooner.

I have always wanted to get into hunting, but never committed to setting aside time to make it happen. I also have a younger son and as he is growing up, I want to be able to teach him how this process works, and its a great way to spend time with him.

I am not big on FB either, but I will hop on there if you think it could help.

Thanks again for all your support.

I'd look up catman on YouTube and start with his first video.
Find some public land such as tva property and try it out.
Apologies for the long response...

Third year hunting TN for me this year. I got out of the Coast Guard in '21 and moved here to start a new career. Like the folks above said, subscribe on OnX. You can do the one state subscription or multiple if you plan to travel. Be careful though, just because OnX says it's huntable land doesn't mean it truly is. Verify on the TWRA and TVA recreational land maps to make sure they are open to public access hunting.

Take a look at the interactive map TWRA has to find some WMA properties. There is a lot of state owned land all around that have great opportunities to get in front of deer. Another avenue that is underrated is simply asking for permission. All a property owner can do is say no, and if they do, their neighbor might say yes. Always worth the ask.

Don't be afraid to travel a little bit. I got to be friends with my neighbor and gained access to his 250 acre family farm that hasn't been hunted in at least 7 years. It's an hour and a half away from my house, but I shot an old 9 point last year that I think was on the downhill side of big antlers.

The biggest thing to do for starting out is to just get out there. I taught myself to hunt starting in 2018. Looking back at where I started and where I am now is night and day difference. I still have a long way to go, but I am enjoying the process.

P.S. stay away from shows like Midwest Whitetail and Monster Bucks if you are unable to realize those guys are hunting private farms with managed herds, and zero pressure. It'll be a morale killer when you get in the woods and only see one doe and not a 215" fifteen year old buck with nine main beams and 34 points. Deer hunting is a dynamic sport. Find where the deer are, not where you think they should be.

Not sure if y'all had a similar saying in the Marine Corps, but we lived by the
Semper Gumbie (always flexible) mentality in the Coast Guard.
Welcome to the Site, you really need a mentor as there is a lot that us old farts think nothing about telling somebody something, we assume yes I know what that means 😂 that everybody knows something. lot of wma's down your way to learn but you would be miles ahead to hunt with some folks. start out with some shooting at a local range make friends do some small game hunting and use that time to scout for deer sign, A sportsman license will cover you on most permits , don't be afraid to ask ?s I didn't see your age listed but a hunters safety class is mandatory and even if your old enough to not need it you may want to go west someday, it is a requirement in other states.
This is Awesome - Thanks everyone for the quick replies and info.

Thanks Buzzard Breath and yellalinehunter- these are great. I am on the TN website now and they look like they have some good stuff. I need to learn more about the on-x app.

for Ski - that's a good question - Id be happy to share my background.

I'm a prior Marine, so I'm comfortable shooting, but never hunting. The more I learn about hunting the more I resent not starting sooner.

I have always wanted to get into hunting, but never committed to setting aside time to make it happen. I also have a younger son and as he is growing up, I want to be able to teach him how this process works, and its a great way to spend time with him.

I am not big on FB either, but I will hop on there if you think it could help.

Thanks again for all your support.

Here's my advice.
1. Find a place to hunt first.
2. Start with squirrels. They are smart once they get out of city limits😀 And tasty.
3. Post here so guys get to know you and there's probably a great chance of meeting face to face and who knows what that can turn into.
4. Get your hunters safety card. Tennessee requires it if born after a certain date. I'm 51 and I had to do it.
5. TVA has a lot of land open to the public.
6. When and if you start deer hunting, find a spot and stay. No one likes the guy moving every hour. Got yelled at one time on public😀

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