Its been a tough year.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2000
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Fer Tick
4 months ago this broken back of mine finally slipped and almost put me out of service. Its SLLLOOOWWWLLLY got better but its been hard on my turkey season. I havent been able to chase them like I have for almost 40 years, instead I have had to make one choice per hunt and hope I picked right. Well they havent been too cooperative, and I refuse to deer hunt them or kill a bird that doesnt work, so its been a long season for me. I killed number one a few weeks ago and as my back has gotten better, Ive been able to hunt more like I want to. I ended the season this morning with a field gobbler that I have played cat and mouse with all season. The difference was I actually felt good enough to roll with the punches and get where I needed to be.
Ive been crying and fussing to my wife for weeks now about how if I dont make this happen it will be the first time in 34 years that I havent killed a limit in TN. Thank the Lord above for blessing me with yet another successful year chasing these wonderous creatures he created!
Glad you were able to be out doing what you love. Hopefully you get more relief in your back and get more time in God's creation. As I age I appreciate what I used to take for granted without a thought of ever losing 'it'. I don't have anywhere near the physical situation that you deal with but for the last 3 years I've had to give up things that are now too much for me to handle alone. And it sucks but I'm glad to still be on the green side of the grass.
4 months ago this broken back of mine finally slipped and almost put me out of service. Its SLLLOOOWWWLLLY got better but its been hard on my turkey season. I havent been able to chase them like I have for almost 40 years, instead I have had to make one choice per hunt and hope I picked right. Well they havent been too cooperative, and I refuse to deer hunt them or kill a bird that doesnt work, so its been a long season for me. I killed number one a few weeks ago and as my back has gotten better, Ive been able to hunt more like I want to. I ended the season this morning with a field gobbler that I have played cat and mouse with all season. The difference was I actually felt good enough to roll with the punches and get where I needed to be.
Ive been crying and fussing to my wife for weeks now about how if I dont make this happen it will be the first time in 34 years that I havent killed a limit in TN. Thank the Lord above for blessing me with yet another successful year chasing these wonderous creatures he created!
Do you feel pressure from yourself to keep the streak alive?
Do you feel pressure from yourself to keep the streak alive?
LOL of course I do! I have a reputation to uphold ya know! Back when the limit was 4 if I wasnt done by the Sunday following opening day I had tons of people asking what was wrong!
Michael Jackson Halloween GIF by Vevo
If it has become that "easy", maybe you should challenge yourself a little more and find some "tougher" Gobblers to hunt.
lol I never hunt the "easy" ones. In fact I normally hunt public land birds, however this year with all the issues Ive got going on, I hunted private. And who said it was "easy'? I certainly didnt.
4 months ago this broken back of mine finally slipped and almost put me out of service. Its SLLLOOOWWWLLLY got better but its been hard on my turkey season. I havent been able to chase them like I have for almost 40 years, instead I have had to make one choice per hunt and hope I picked right. Well they havent been too cooperative, and I refuse to deer hunt them or kill a bird that doesnt work, so its been a long season for me. I killed number one a few weeks ago and as my back has gotten better, Ive been able to hunt more like I want to. I ended the season this morning with a field gobbler that I have played cat and mouse with all season. The difference was I actually felt good enough to roll with the punches and get where I needed to be.
Ive been crying and fussing to my wife for weeks now about how if I dont make this happen it will be the first time in 34 years that I havent killed a limit in TN. Thank the Lord above for blessing me with yet another successful year chasing these wonderous creatures he created!
If it makes you feel better this will be the first year since the late 90s that I will eat all of my tags 😳
Limits ain't everything especially with the shape our turkey population is in. I used to tag out every year but after watching the decline several years in a row I was 2 and done when we had a 4 bird limit. Last year I was 1 and done. Haven't even heard a gobble in the national forest this year. Congrats on getting better and tagging out.
Congrats on filling your tags. Hope your back continues to improve. I remember back several years ago when I had some annoying back issues. It's not just a simple back ache —-like a headache——, where you pop some Advil or Tylenol and move ahead. It's debilitating. There were days that I didn't even want to get outta bed. Get well; stay well and live to hunt again. 😉
Congrats! I think I've only ever tagged out once when the limit was 3. My goal is 1 every year. Last year I hunted 3 times I think and didn't kill any. This year I've been 3 times and nothing yet. Got one gobbling late yesterday afternoon and could hear the rattle in his chest at the end of a gobble. Had to be within 40 yards but brush too thick to see him. I want to kill them like everybody else but the joy of being out there and seeing and/or hearing them is worth it. Hope the back continues to improve.
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