Had to look it up myself. Basically a Frankenstein of an action. 700 foot print, mauser extractor and Springfield ejector principles, while taking savage barrels.That's a new one to me
Nah, I like walnut, but that walnut grip looks out of place there, it also doesn't have smooth lines. It weighs 11.5 lbs. But at $3600 before any optic, its out of my price range.Me no like
If you got any try 8208 and H380 with those same bulletsFirst five shots were cleaning a bit and getting the scope right
These are the next 5 @ 100 yds
155 scenars over Varget
Mines a Stiller Tac 30 in an AICS , Brux 6.5x47LThose kind of guns are accurate, but good gracious they ugly!
What caliber is that? I'm curious why you picked that short of a barrel? About 18"?I have a Xylo chassis on my vudoo, I really like it. Would not mind having another one.