Gobbling hens??


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 1999
funny this just came up.
I came to this forum to report just this thing.
craziest thing I ever seen.

bored on stand with seeing no deer, I decided to play with the turkeys I could hear in the distance. I pulled out my lil box of mouth calls and started out really loud.
Dang if it wasn't working. The large, forty or so, group of hens begin moving closer and answering every call. The closer they got, the quieter I'd call.

Soon, I could hear the group with their peeping noises as they feed up the food plot behind me. Still the lead gal was calling, trying to locate me, but I had become silent.
They came to within thirty yards of my stand and stood in the plot. some feed, others just looked half frozen with their heads tucked low.

They all grew quiet as I looked over the bunch for sign of beards and white heads. All blue, no beards, what a disappointment.

I decided I'd see what would happen with a group that large if I called. All heads turned in my direction at the sound of my call. A few spotted the flo orange and started that alarming call. I didn't move.

BOOM! the report of a rifle from the neighboring farm and I saw something that I've never seen and heard something I've never seen before.

About ten of those hens did a short gobble, a shock gobble.
I bout fell outta the stand. Searching through the tight group, I could still see no evidence of a true tom, not even the beginnings of a beard.

After another thirty minutes or so, a hawk blew through and landed in the tree next to me. Every one of those turkeys gave the warning and with up stretched necks, made for the pine thicket. Only a few stragglers stood out where I could see them, and they two finally dissappeared into the darkened shadows of the early morn.

Now this was an experience I'm sure few have seen.
But I had heard hens would gobble on occasion. Now I know they can. But it didn't sound as strong as a strutting tom nor did it last but a second. It was something I won't forget, that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
East TN
I was hunting in Virginia a couple years ago on the George Washington National Forest and was not hearing much when I heard what I thought was a Jake gobble. I started working him because things were really slow. I called the bird to within 30 yards and couldn't beleive my eyes, not only was it a hen gobbling, she was strutting also. I started to put her out of her misery, but she didn't have a beard, so she wasn't legal. This is the only time I have ever saw any thing like this. Really wild and I don't drink either.