Well-Known Member
Went out this eve after work to pull cams at the lease in south MS. Got to 1 spot I had seen a hen a few times during the season and heard some talk in the woods just off the pipeline.
Hen came out with wing drooping running around me and the truck, making a loop around me. I figured I might have bumped her off her nest, so I got back in the truck. About that time I heard the poults calling for her and she went back to them. They came out in the pipeline to join her, I only saw 2, but I suspect there were many more inside the woods, but I didn't hang around to separate momma from babies. They were 2 to 3 day olds.
That's pretty much normal for us this far south. Birds are breeding mid March, laying 3rd week of March, then setting 1st week of April. Didn't catch them on the camera, but there was a coyote crossing the pipeline 3d ago. Gonna have to get out there tomorrow afternoon and try to call him up.
Hen came out with wing drooping running around me and the truck, making a loop around me. I figured I might have bumped her off her nest, so I got back in the truck. About that time I heard the poults calling for her and she went back to them. They came out in the pipeline to join her, I only saw 2, but I suspect there were many more inside the woods, but I didn't hang around to separate momma from babies. They were 2 to 3 day olds.
That's pretty much normal for us this far south. Birds are breeding mid March, laying 3rd week of March, then setting 1st week of April. Didn't catch them on the camera, but there was a coyote crossing the pipeline 3d ago. Gonna have to get out there tomorrow afternoon and try to call him up.