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Fertilizer question

Bone Collector

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Murfreesboro, TN
A few weeks ago i did a soil test and found out that I didn't need any lime in the areas I was going to plant clover. I was going to frost seed it, but it has taken me until tonight to get all three plots planted.

The problem is I went straight from work to my land and forgot my 15-15-15 fertilizer. I went ahead and put the seed down and still have plenty enough to seed it again, but

If I fertilize it this weekend will that work or will I have to try to do it again at next frost to get it in all at once?
Shouldnt be putting 15-15-15 on clover. That nitrogen will promote grasses. Was your soil test fertilizer recommendation for legume establishment or something else?
It is possible N was recommended because clover doesnt start producing its own N until it nodulates therefore clover could use some N during that initial period but weeds could also use that N so I just prefer not to give any N. Something like 0-20-20 would be good, the numbers dont matter though as long as you add the proper pounds per acre of N-P-K. Alot of people go with 6-12-12 because its readily available but of course that does give you some N.
Putting the fertilize out after sowing the seed will work fine. Fertilize leeches into the soil with rain - lime on the other hand doesn't move so much after the initial application and should be disked in before planting.

I've read that it's a good idea to use a low Nitrogen fertilize when you 1st plant clover to give it a jump start. After the 1st year, a zero Nitrogne fertilize is best. I usually use 6-12-12 because of the price but honestly I've been rethinking this. I could get 6-12-12 for about $13/bag where 0-24-24 cost about $23. You only need half the amount of the 0-24-24 but it costs less than twice as much. In other words it'c cheaper AND you aren't giveing the weeds and grass any nitrogen.
Just listen to your co-op people. They know whats up. A little N for clovers first few weeks doesn't hurt. It takes a while before it does start producing its on N.
I've always gone with a fertilizer like a 13-13-13 on clover to give it a boost at planting then after only use 0-20-20. If you keep the weeds killed out and with adaquate amout of rain to carry the clover over through the dry months then it should do fine. I always like to plant new clover plots in the fall to get a root system started to help get the clover through the dry months and hopefully not burn up.

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