Well, it’s official…..

Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
…..I have gone my first turkey season in TN without hunting in TN. 😕 Not even once.

It wan't by choice. It really caught me by surprise.

We have a flock that live around the properties around us. Usually at least 4 grown gobblers. I hear them off the front porch in the mornings. I have conversations with them from time to time with my wing bone. Was blessed to kill a 4 bearded bird last year in my back yard. It means more when I can call them across the road, across the dry creek, across my neighbors and into my yard.

This year things were the same. I had been hearing them gobble. Had a few good conversations.

Opening day came and I heard one going at it. Then I heard someone calling. Looked down the road to see if I could see the action. I see a guy walking the fence line two properties over. I live in the country, blessed with good neighbors, so I rode down to see if he had any luck.

I get there and there's a guy standing by his truck looking through field glasses into the next property where I know they hang out. I hadn't heard a shot so I struck up a conversation. Turns out he's from AR and has permission from my neighbor. Said he had been coming opening weekend for the last few years. In conversation I learn he has a youtube channel. Turns out he killed one that morning right at daylight, I just didn't hear the shot. I congratulated him. Asked if he'd like for me to take some photos for him. I have always been one to enjoy other's successes.

He tells me he is trying to see where they are going to be the next morning so he can hopefully get one more and head back to AR. I say good luck and go about my day.

I get home and check out his youtube channel. Turns out he's on a pro-staff. I look forward to getting to see his hunt, still wishing him well the next morning.

That afternoon late I go to visit my neighbor just to verify his story, that's what good neighbors do. Sure enough the guy has permission and has been coming for a few years.

The next day I never hear anything from him so I ask the neighbor for his number so I can congratulate him again and see if he was successful the next day. The neighbor tells me he has already went back to AR. Turns out he went ahead and killed another one opening day so he could get back for AR's opener.

I PM the guy on IG and tell him it was good to meet him. He has posted the first hunt but not the second. He thanks me, and that was that.

Then, he posts the second hunt like it was the second day.

So not only did he kill two birds on opening day, then he lies about it for, you guessed it, for clicks, views, and likes. Yup, I got bit by a good 'ol grab it and grinnner.

It did something to me. First, it made me understand that what I have thought all along is true. The main decrease in our bird population is unethical hunters who don't follow the law. Second, it really messed me up getting hit by a grab it and grinner. I mean it really discouraged me.

Now, to be fair, I have had a lot of things that have kept me super busy this year. That being said, there have been a few, very few, days that I could have went, but each time the opportunity arose I couldn't shake it. I really can't explain it, but I didn't have the desire to kill one this year.

And yes, I get it, I should have turned him in. I just don't have faith or confidence in the TWRA that anything would be done. I know that's not a valid excuse, but as I said, it really got to me.

Sorry for the long post. I just felt to share. If you're an unethical hunter please know you have a negative impact on the game we love to chase. If you're a grab it and grinner I get it now. If you're only playing the game for clicks and followers and likes do us all a favor, find a different game to play. And lastly, if you're upset because I didn't turn him in please forgive me. As I've said above, it really got to me.

Here's hoping next year will be better. Congrats to all y'all that had a good season, tags filled or not. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

Somehow I hope he reads this and it gets him to change. Slim chance I know, but just maybe.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
…..I have gone my first turkey season in TN without hunting in TN. 😕 Not even once.

It wan't by choice. It really caught me by surprise.

We have a flock that live around the properties around us. Usually at least 4 grown gobblers. I hear them off the front porch in the mornings. I have conversations with them from time to time with my wing bone. Was blessed to kill a 4 bearded bird last year in my back yard. It means more when I can call them across the road, across the dry creek, across my neighbors and into my yard.

This year things were the same. I had been hearing them gobble. Had a few good conversations.

Opening day came and I heard one going at it. Then I heard someone calling. Looked down the road to see if I could see the action. I see a guy walking the fence line two properties over. I live in the country, blessed with good neighbors, so I rode down to see if he had any luck.

I get there and there's a guy standing by his truck looking through field glasses into the next property where I know they hang out. I hadn't heard a shot so I struck up a conversation. Turns out he's from AR and has permission from my neighbor. Said he had been coming opening weekend for the last few years. In conversation I learn he has a youtube channel. Turns out he killed one that morning right at daylight, I just didn't hear the shot. I congratulated him. Asked if he'd like for me to take some photos for him. I have always been one to enjoy other's successes.

He tells me he is trying to see where they are going to be the next morning so he can hopefully get one more and head back to AR. I say good luck and go about my day.

I get home and check out his youtube channel. Turns out he's on a pro-staff. I look forward to getting to see his hunt, still wishing him well the next morning.

That afternoon late I go to visit my neighbor just to verify his story, that's what good neighbors do. Sure enough the guy has permission and has been coming for a few years.

The next day I never hear anything from him so I ask the neighbor for his number so I can congratulate him again and see if he was successful the next day. The neighbor tells me he has already went back to AR. Turns out he went ahead and killed another one opening day so he could get back for AR's opener.

I PM the guy on IG and tell him it was good to meet him. He has posted the first hunt but not the second. He thanks me, and that was that.

Then, he posts the second hunt like it was the second day.

So not only did he kill two birds on opening day, then he lies about it for, you guessed it, for clicks, views, and likes. Yup, I got bit by a good 'ol grab it and grinnner.

It did something to me. First, it made me understand that what I have thought all along is true. The main decrease in our bird population is unethical hunters who don't follow the law. Second, it really messed me up getting hit by a grab it and grinner. I mean it really discouraged me.

Now, to be fair, I have had a lot of things that have kept me super busy this year. That being said, there have been a few, very few, days that I could have went, but each time the opportunity arose I couldn't shake it. I really can't explain it, but I didn't have the desire to kill one this year.

And yes, I get it, I should have turned him in. I just don't have faith or confidence in the TWRA that anything would be done. I know that's not a valid excuse, but as I said, it really got to me.

Sorry for the long post. I just felt to share. If you're an unethical hunter please know you have a negative impact on the game we love to chase. If you're a grab it and grinner I get it now. If you're only playing the game for clicks and followers and likes do us all a favor, find a different game to play. And lastly, if you're upset because I didn't turn him in please forgive me. As I've said above, it really got to me.

Here's hoping next year will be better. Congrats to all y'all that had a good season, tags filled or not. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

Somehow I hope he reads this and it gets him to change. Slim chance I know, but just maybe.

Post his YouTube channel. Most love to have their followers tell them how great they are.

Maybe a few of us can flood the comments with the true story.
Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
He hasn't posted this year's "hunt". This is from last year. Really not a fan. They show zero respect for these birds. Makes me ill watching it, probably because I have had conversations with these gobblers and know where they are sitting when they pull the trigger.

Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
Turn him in. Us looking the other way doesn't help our situation. Even if twra doesn't do a thing you did all you could do. Don't let this low life poacher go. He stole from all of us!:mad:
I feel the same way, just wasn't sure it would be worth it after the fact and it being hearsay. I will be keeping an eye out next year on opening day for sure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2023
I understand he broke the law. Playing devils advocate, if the season limit is 2 what does it matter? If he killed the second bird the next morning or a month from the opener it's still two less birds on the property.
Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
I understand he broke the law. Playing devils advocate, if the season limit is 2 what does it matter? If he killed the second bird the next morning or a month from the opener it's still two less birds on the property.
"I understand he broke the law." "What does it matter?"

Are you saying it doesn't matter to you that he broke the law? Not to mention he lied to his "followers" to get likes and more "followers". Does it not matter to you that someone is a liar?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2023
Law says you can kill two turkeys a year. He killed two. I was meaning from an environmental mindset. The number for the year was met. Not like he kept hunting.
Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
Law says you can kill two turkeys a year. He killed two. I was meaning from an environmental mindset. The number for the year was met. Not like he kept hunting.

Spring Turkey Bag Limit
One (1) bearded turkey per day, not to exceed two (2) per season, only one can be a jake. An adult gobbler is defined by having one of the following: wing feathers have white barring all the way to the tip, tail feathers are the same length, beard is longer than 6 inches, or a spur is at least 1/2 inch long.

The law says 1 bearded turkey per day.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Knoxville, TN
That sucks, and sadly it's what the YouTubers and others think of the sport along with the birds many of us love in our soul

The degradation of turkey hunting is disgusting honestly. I see all the instagram and Facebook reels people post and it's one sad kill after another

Sorry the plague has effected you and hope next year is different


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2023
Spring Turkey Bag Limit
One (1) bearded turkey per day, not to exceed two (2) per season, only one can be a jake. An adult gobbler is defined by having one of the following: wing feathers have white barring all the way to the tip, tail feathers are the same length, beard is longer than 6 inches, or a spur is at least 1/2 inch long.

The law says 1 bearded turkey per day.
I know the law. I'm not saying he was right. I'm saying he was wrong but what difference would it have made if he shot that same turkey the next morning? Two birds still aren't walking around on the 3rd day.
Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
That sucks, and sadly it's what the YouTubers and others think of the sport along with the birds many of us love in our soul

The degradation of turkey hunting is disgusting honestly. I see all the instagram and Facebook reels people post and it's one sad kill after another

Sorry the plague has effected you and hope next year is different
Thanks. Me too!!
Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
I know the law. I'm not saying he was right. I'm saying he was wrong but what difference would it have made if he shot that same turkey the next morning? Two birds still aren't walking around on the 3rd day.
I don't know if I can explain it to you, but I'll try. And all I have to go by is your question.

"What difference would it make?"

What difference would it make
It's just another kill
He does it every year
He probably always will
See to him there's no respect
For this wild majestic bird
It's just another like to him
It's another follower for her

What difference does it make
He broke a law or two
He poached a bird and got a post
That he can put on youtube
Never mind it's all a lie
It's about making a name
Well not to me my friend
To me it's not the same

What difference does it make
It makes all the difference you see
There are others out there I'm sure
Who feel about it like me
We don't see it as a kill
Just a number on a tag
We don't hunt the game we do
So we can grab it, grin and brag

To us there's honor involved
We respect the game we chase
We're not after another kill
That's not what we embrace
It's more about respect
It's about a relationship
That respect grows every time
That 'ol boy gives us the slip

When we finally get him beat
When we've played the game and won
After days and weeks of trying
From dawn till setting sun
We appreciate the fact
That we did it by the book
We didn't lie or cheat
When again a life we took

What difference does it make
It shows what's really inside
A man of honor and dignity
A man of integrity and pride
I'd rather go all year
And never pull the trigger
Than to cheat and lie and steal
Just to make my reputation bigger

What difference does it make
Probably none to others out there
But to me it makes all the difference
Because my daddy taught me to care
And I'm so glad he did
I wouldn't have it any other way
And to those who don't understand
All I can say is, "Good day!"

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