Digging for Arrowheads, Questions...


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 1999
southern middle Tennessee
My 8 year old son and I have been arrowhead hunting the last few days with no luck at all. I've found a handfull of arrowheads in plowed fields here and there but have recently gotten permission to hunt an old creek. Back when they used to plow the fields, the farmer said arrowheads were everywhere. But the fields are no longer being plowed and the only place to really look is up and down the creek. I have heard of people digging in the bank of the creek but really don't know where to start. Any pointers on where and how to hunt this spot would be appreciated. It's basically a mile of creek that you can walk in the entire way with a lot of gravel bars in it. There is a lot of flint and bone and stuff but I havent seen an arrowhead yet. Is it uncommon to find em on gravel bars ? Toward the end of the property another smaller creek runs into a bigger creek but again, there is nothing plowed or turned so it's hard to find anything. Any help would be appreciated.

7-08 fan

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
Fayette County
Its not uncommon at all to find them on gravel and sand bars in creeks. But as far as digging in opinion its hit or miss you may find a spot and dig for an hour and be rewarded with 5 grade 10 points or you may dig for a week empty handed. I personally would keep working the creek I belive it will turn up something especially after a good rain.