Deer Heart
Sweet Onion
Apple Cider Vinegar
In a large pot add water and heart. Boil on a slow simmer for 2-3 hours. Remove from water and let cool. Slice the heart into 1/8" thick slices. Slice the onion into approximately the same thickness. Using a quart sized Mason jar layer the onion and venison slices. Add Apple Cider Vinegar until the jar is half full. Top off the jar with water. Place a lid on the jar and refrigerate 24 hours, then it's ready for consumption. Keep refrigerated, this will stay good for 30 days. But in all honesty it never lasts that long.
Deer Heart
Sweet Onion
Apple Cider Vinegar
In a large pot add water and heart. Boil on a slow simmer for 2-3 hours. Remove from water and let cool. Slice the heart into 1/8" thick slices. Slice the onion into approximately the same thickness. Using a quart sized Mason jar layer the onion and venison slices. Add Apple Cider Vinegar until the jar is half full. Top off the jar with water. Place a lid on the jar and refrigerate 24 hours, then it's ready for consumption. Keep refrigerated, this will stay good for 30 days. But in all honesty it never lasts that long.