Check this out


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Hickman County
steven stone said:
Wouldnt this be awesome to attend. I am going to try and go sometime before we get mobilized.

Any training is better than none and not to say that it's not good training. But the little advertisement there about 10 days of training and you are ready to be a combat sniper makes me wave the BS flag. A dedicated marksman yes, but to make that statement is exageration. I would not send a man out on a real sniper mission with only 10 days training because you can't cover all the sniper craft in that amount of time. Not to brag but to justify what I am saying. I am a SOTIC level 1(Special Operations Target Interdiction Course) grad and instructor. I also have used my skills with a M-24 in combat. (you can google SOTIC)

Good luck on your deployment Steven, my prayers are with you.