BSK Is Back, Time to Shape Up QDM


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Interesting body weights too with the age difference. I'm guessing the senior had been running does and also a little later in the month.
Agreed, as well as just the variability of body frames between individual deer. My 3 1/2 was a really tall and long deer. Noticeably taller than other bucks. We've got another 3 1/2 that is so tall he can stand flat footed and reach over-hanging limbs other older bucks have to stand on the hind legs to reach.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Love the pics! Congratulations on getting your daughter passionate about hunting! I remember when she was born. Seems like yesterday.

By the way, who the older gentleman posing with your buck?
Some old, gray, half-bald dude. Don't know him, and wish I didn't see him every morning in the mirror!

Although my daughter long-ago was able to hunt on her own, she doesn't want to. She wants to hunt with her old man. I guess you can call it our bonding time. In fact, I'm thrilled she still wants to hunt with me. Sometimes we quietly sit there in the stand and say nothing. Sometimes we whisper and talk about all sorts of things. But getting to be there and see her kill that buck was a highlight of my hunting career. And she made a very difficult shot through woods in very low light with no prompting from me. Couldn't be more proud of her.

Can you believe she's a Sophomore in college already? Crazy...


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
Time flies.
Whatever happened to that long-haired hippie they used to talk about at the Waverly Co-Op?
Seems they said he came here from California or somewhere, came in periodically, bought some clover seed, said he "managed" the deer herd with a weedeater!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2010
hipster hollow
The cutting begins the day after season ends this year. Other than a salvage cut, we're going to go ahead and cut the most timber we've ever had cut in one go, about 100 acres in 10 to 20-acre patches
Who is cutting your timber this go around? We are choked in pines and have a longshot opportunity on a contract to get rid of about 75% of them but you can't give away pines so the shot is looooonnnngggg:D

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