3 months until a duodecennial….

AT Hiker

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
of dreaming comes true.

@Buzzard Breath and I decided this year was the year to try and make an elk hunt come true. After close to 4 months of anxiously awaiting draw results we got the good news, tag drawn!

The purpose of this thread is to hold myself accountable, plain and simple. Feel free to follow along, offer tips or just stir the top like any good Tndeer member would.

I've always tried to stay in decent shape, just makes doing life easier. Having long and short term goals makes the fitness journey easier and a little more fun. Well, in 3 months a decade of dreaming is coming true. Chasing September elk in the Rocky Mountains! This is a goal that is worth being in the best possible shape as I can. Mentally and physically, as I could argue that both are equally weighted.

My initial goals are rather simple and straightforward. (1) Build my functional strength, endurance and mental fortitude. (2) Consistently shooting some arrows and throwing in some wrenches to simulate field conditions. (3) kill an elk😃

I'll be showing up to this thread to update my progress. It will be all about fitness, nutrition, scouting and just the normal things that happen while planning a hunt in advance.

Hopefully Buzzard Breath will throw his two pennies worth in. @tellico4x4 will provide the behind the scenes wisdom on actually killing elk, he has already shared his secret to keeping people out of his beer cooler, so I'm sure we will uncover some other secrets to a life full of elk killing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2000
Catoosa County GA, USA
You are doing something that is #1 on my personal bucket list.
I'll never be able to do an archery hunt, just getting too old & not able to climb as easily as I used to.
I will do a rifle hunt at some point over the next few years though.
Good luck, and keep this thread updated as you go thru the adventure. :cool:

Buzzard Breath

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
Maury County
I'll play along, but the title should actually read duodecennial and not decade. A decade doesn't make it sound as long as it really was. :D :D :D

I'm feeling pretty good health wise and glad I take the responsibility to take care of myself year round. I am going to fine tune some things with my workouts and maybe add a 3rd strength day. I've got some mild arthritis in my left hip, so I need to make sure I increase some strength in it so I don't have any issues packing out 2 elk. I'll also add in some weighted pack hikes.

I went into our last hunt not expecting it to be as physically and mentally draining as it was. I know this one is going to be a b1tch and we're still 4 months away.

My shooting is pretty good, but archery has been my mental break from work since the pandemic. I usually shoot 3 or 4 arrows, 3 or 4 times a day. It gets me up from my desk. I may pick up some 50 pound limbs for my ILF bow and get them tuned in as a backup bow. I like to tinker and that would be a good way to keep me from screwing up the bow I plan to hunt with.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2004
Killen, AL
Do a little extra of the strength & endurance training for me, okay? Be sure to practice being on your knees & twisted around backwards, shooting arrows that is 😁. Last time archery elk was 2019 (65 yrs old) when guided nephew & a buddy. As long as it doesn't get any steeper than this I'll be good for every other day. Off days will be working out doing 12 oz Natty Light curls.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Good luck! I can't wait to go on an archery elk hunt. My goal is to get an elk diy, on public, with a rifle first.
I think you're headed in the right direction. Get in the best shape possible and practice, practice, practice! Get that heart rate up when you shoot.

Buzzard Breath

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
Maury County
Here's what I've got to work with.

Age: 53
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 166.8, first thing this am

Age and height aren't changing prior to the hunt. I'm fine with the weight, but tend to be around 162-164 when I'm at my peak. So, I expect it to drop a few pounds.

I'm not on any sort of restricted diet. I eat lots of vegetables, some fruits, mostly lean meats, and a lot of whole grains and beans. It can always be cleaned up a little, but I'm going to get through this weekend before I even think about it. there will be many hotdogs and hamburgers consumed; one may be a BBQ, but that's pretty much the same thing. I don't like sweets, never have, so that won't be an issue. I have blood work done every 9 months and the results are good, I feel good, look good, and consider how I eat to be healthy (enough). No reason to change what's working.

I just finished a running program, so I've got a fresh slate to work with. I normally strength train twice a week, and do cardio 3 times. I may replace a cardio with an extra strength day and start doing a hike on weekends. That'll be some form of planned activity 6 days a week. That shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, I already average 14,216 steps a day. Strength training is not heavy weights and a lot of time in the gym. It's kettlebells in the garage. I'll come up with a plan and post it after the weekend.